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Top Movie Replicas Collectables Across All categories Infographic

Top Movie Replicas Across All Categories MASKS RED PREDATOR MASK MOVIE - ALIEN Vs PREDATOR BRICE SA39.UH CAPPROX) PRICE - HEAD SOULPT WITH MASK MOVIE - BATMAN - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES $275.00amos) PRICE - (APPROX) Bane's physical presence in The Dark Knight Rises dominates the film His attire contributes to this character's success to a great extent. JASON MASK MOVIE - JASON PRICE -9.00 (APPROX) LIGHT TORCH/LASERS LIGHTSABER TO RCH MOVIE - STAR WARS PRICE - (APPROX) They light up, they make the cool "whoosh" noise and they let you pretend for a little while. This one can actually set people on fire. POWER BATTERY PROP MOVIE - GREEN LANTERN $269.00 amo) PRICE (APPROX) This full-sized, light-up power battery prop replica was created from a cast of the actual prop used in the movie. The power battery also comes with a Green Lantern ring that lights up the lantern when the ring is pressed against the face of the lantern. GUNS CRICKET MOVIE - MEN IN BLACK(1997)(2002) PRIce - NOt Defined Not The most powerful weapon in the movie's arsenal, yet it's no bigger than a Cracker Jack box prize. SWORDS TITANIUM SWORD MOVIE - NINJA 209.00mom PRICE S209.00. A 104 cm handmade forged sword with a black sword bag and wooden case. HELMETS LOKLEY HELMET MOVIE - ROBIN HOOD .$479.00. mo) PRICE - (APPROX) Named after the 16th century birthplace of Robin Hood, the Loxley Helmet with stand is an exquisite piece that any enthusiast would be proud to own. KING LEONIDAS HELMET MOVIE - 300 $679.00amox) PRICE - (APPROX) Made from the finest authentic materials, this incredible helmet is made of steel and plated in antiqued brass, fully lined in leather with an adjustable liner and features a genuine horse hair crest. KNIVES BOWIE KNIFE MOVIE - THE EXPENDABLES $80.90 mox) PRICE - (APPROX) Master knife maker Gil Hibben designed this bowie for 2010 Expendables movie. The classic 14 inches blade is constructed from polished stainless steel STING MOVIE - THE LORD OF THE RINGS $129.98. PRICE - (APPROX) The sword glows blue when Orcs are near. Fans of the Lord of the Rings have been awestruck by the glowing sword since its first moment on screen. SUPERHERO COLLECTION BATARANG MOVIE - BATMAN Not Defined PRICE - Batarang is one of the crown jewel of Batman's arsenal They are among the handiest, and most devastating weapons in any comic book movie. STATUES BLACK LABEL STATUE MOVIE - BRUCE LEE MOVIES $225.00m PRICE - (APPROX) Museum like high quality head sculpt and perfectly carved statue body. PERSEUS STATUE MOVIE - CLASH OF THE TITANS $69.00 m PRICE - (APPROX) Perseus, slayer of the Gorgon and first of the great Greek heroes, depicted in this statue taming the wild Pegasus. IMade from bronze powder coated polyresin. BATMAN STATUE MOVIE - DARK KNIGHT RISES S429.00mom PRICE - (APPROX) The epic conclusion of filmaker Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy has culminated in this esteemed collectable action figure. PRESENLED BY THE GOOD THE WICKED THE COLLECTABLE globol SOURCES Enough+to+Set+People+on+Fire/article18681.htm in-movies/the-big-baby

Top Movie Replicas Collectables Across All categories Infographic

shared by alicia.zmot on Sep 05
Excellent Infographic titled 'Top Movie Replicas Collectables Across All categories' has been presented by Global Gear in which they listed few of the replicas used in well known movies and their appr...


Global Gear




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