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Top 8 Data-Backed Benefits of Real Estate Blogging (Infographic)

MAXIMUM WEBSITES Real Estate DATA-BACKED BENEFITS OF REAL ESTATE BLOGGING You've worked hard to establish yourself as a stellar real estate agent, putting in long hours and studying clients' questions carefully to develop expertise that can set you apart from the pack. With so much going for you, is it really necessary to start a blog? IS ALL THE EFFORT WORTH IT? YOU BET. Blogs, or "web logs," have developed far beyond the flippant "virtual-journal-entries" they were a decade ago. BLOGGING is the number one tool for increasing search engine traffic, followed in Today, blogging ranks as one of the most powerful tools for marketers. second place by.. SEO SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Just think of that. If SEO, which is so highly valued, is less efficacious than blogging, why wouldn't you want to take advantage of this often free resource? HERE ARE EIGHT REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD. 1 A WEBSITE SELLS; BLOGGING TELLS. The appeal of blogs, for consumers, is the low-key, "no-pressure" informational tone. According to BlogHer, 81% A blog is usually written in a casual, highly readable manner about a variety of relevant issues. of U.S. online consumers trust information from blogs. This shows that if you write it, they will read. Once they read, they will realize that you have answers that they need. In this agent-saturated market, it's important to establish your credibility so that clients are convinced that you have the answers they need. BLOGGING PUTS A PERSONALITY G. AND A FACE BEHIND NAME. Blogging gives you the opportunity to convey ideas rather than just contact information, and the casual nature of blogging can allow you to inject your personal tone as well. Project your own personality, and T prospects will automatically feel as if they know you well. 24 This can make the entire buying or selling process smoother. BLOGGING INCREASES 3. WEB TRAFFIC. There's nothing like blogging to generate web traffic. Organic traffic to their website increased by more than 400% In 2013, HubSpot customers said that.. within six months after they started a blog. "blogging champions as the #1 method for increasing traffic, with SEO in second place." According to Rental History Reports. BLOGGING GETS 4. SHARED. Blog traffic generation increases dramatically after you've posted over fifty posts. According to TrafficGenerationCafe Why is that? Well, search engines certainly are more sensitive to active blogs. vt f This leads to more readers who may share your post on Facebook or Twitter. This led to many other new visitors to your blog, and the rest is history. BLOGGING SERVES BY PROVING YOUR O. EXPERTISE RATHER THAN PROMOTING IT. Although your website likely touts you as a knowledgeable expert, your blog demonstrates that you are truly an authority on real estate questions. Use as much specific, relevant information as possible. Never plagiarize, but feel free to use statistics and facts from verifiable sources. Articles with digits in their titles are about. 175% more likely to be shared than those without them, so especially work to incorporate numbers in your articles. BLOGGING 6. . CONNECTS. Another great thing about blogging is the opportunity to connect with other professionals and prospects in the comments section. If one of your posts is extremely helpful, other bloggers may trackback to it and avail you of even more leads. Make sure to answer every comment; not only will it encourage further comments, it will also demonstrate your appreciation for your readers. BLOGGING KEEPS 7.Y 7. YOU SHARP. In order to be effective at blogging, it's important that you post something at least once or twice a week. Many of the most successful blogs post daily. ting requires you to get creative, and it quent gives you the perfect platform to publicly explore the answers to questions buyers and sellers ask you. The average company sees a.. 45% growth in traffic when its blog cache of articles expands to approximately fifty posts. According to HubSpot, BLOGGING COMMUNICATES 8.CUSTOMER CARE. Creating a blog is an excellent way of proving to your clients that you care. Can you imagine how impressed that seller who asked you the difference between a comparative market analysis and an appraisal would be to see your next post is devoted to the question? Research shows what we all know to be true: customer service sells. 78% of consumers state that a company's reputation for customer service is important to them in the decision-making stage. 82% 62% of those who received excellent customer service would be repeat customers if the need arose, would refer a company to friends or family if they'd enjoyed great service. Since blogging is the perfect chance to underscore your devotion to providing the best service to your customers, why not give it a try? POWERED BY : CREATED BY : MAXIMUM WEBSITES Real Estate JG DIGITAL MARKETING [email protected] SOURCES: ies-that-prove-the-power-of-content-marketing nies-Using-Inbound-Marketing-Increase-Lead-Generation-New-ROI-Data.aspx !!!

Top 8 Data-Backed Benefits of Real Estate Blogging (Infographic)

shared by matthaag on Jun 11
You’ve worked hard to establish yourself as a stellar real estate agent, putting in long hours and studying clients’ questions carefully to develop expertise that can set you apart from the pack. ...




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