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The Top 5 Careers in 2017

Predicting THE TOP 5 CAREERS in 2017 In the next five years the demand for online education is expected to spike, and along with it will Likely be an increase of interest in the following five great careers that can be achieved with online degrees. H. Starting Salary: $39K /year NURSE with bachelor's degree Job Requirements 2-3 years Vocational degree 4 years Bachelor's degree clear thinking interpersonal under stress problem solving degree communication Starting Salary: TEACHER $37K /year with bachelor's degree Job Requirements 4 years Bachelor's degree 6-7 years Master's degree clear thinking interpersonal under stress problem solving degree communication ACCOUNTANT Job Requirements Starting Salary: $67K /year with bachelor's degree 4 years Bachelor's degree 6-7 years Master's degree problem analysis logic degree solving SOFTWARE ENGINEER Starting Salary: Job Requirements $55K /year with bachelor's degree 2-3 years Vocational degree 4 years Bachelor's degree clear thinking under stress problem solving creativity degree NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Starting Salary: $60K/year Job Requirements with master's degree 2-3 years Vocational degree clear thinking under stress problem solving 4 years Bachelor's degree logic degree 6-7 years Master's degree LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Online

The Top 5 Careers in 2017

shared by luonline on May 31
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As the demand for online education continues to grow, we can expect to see an increasing interest in a number of great careers that can be achieved with an online degree. Each of these careers may cat...




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