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The Tardis

The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe CONADA The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe The Fourth Doctor The Doctor is a Time Lord The Third Doctor 1970 - 1974 1974 - 1981 The First Doctor 1963 - 1968 The Fourh Dader t t sat wes over 18 feet long He often cameda beg of dely naties in his cat pocket Time Lords hal from he planet Custer Galey in the Kastert Aso known an The Shining Wond he Seven Systes twas ocated at coordinales 100 11.00 by 02 Tom Galacio Cenfo The Second Doctor The Fint Doctor'a ginal conaan W Sunan Pownan, ta anddghter The Secoed Doctor w put on tral by the Time Lords for intertering in the Time Seam They feend eng farced hem te regeree into te Third Doctor, deactivaed his TARDIS and eed plarat Eath for sone time 1966 - 1969 The Doctor has two hearts The Secend Deetor chen played a t saying hat thelpod hi to e The Doctor is over 900 years old The Doctor considers himself the Earth's protector The Doctor is qute fond of humanty and frequently delends the Earth from alen thresls Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has two hearts and a binary vas He can go without oxygen for exdended periods, has super-human stamina and can withstand certain lypes of radiation. The TARDIS When a Time Lord becomes aged or mortally injured, their body will regenerate into a new form. They wil look completely different and may even have a new personaity but they're sol the same person. The Fifth Doctor The TARDIS is the Doctor's time 1981 - 1984 machine, space ship and home. Short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it can travel anywhere in time, as well as to any point in the universe. POLICE BOX Tradionally Time Loards were limiled to twelve regeneratione, but the Eleventh Doctor recently stated that he coukd regenerate over 600 times. The TARDISdimeonely transoende meaning i's bigger on the inside than the outsde toontaino a near infr nunber ol room incuding a pool undibrary The Fith Doctor often wore a sak af Earh colery on his lpel dainingtwas an cecelert restoratve He was abe the frst la waar ading plens The TARDIS stures achameleon crout whih disguises its eteior to blend in with its sumoundings The The Sixth Doctor 1984 - 1986 Doctor's TARDIS has a fouty orcut andis pemanenty tezan in the pe of a 1950a Britn Pokoe Ca Bo. The Doctors TARDIS Type 40 Model and has had amost as many diferent looks as he has, changing s shape size and even coor over the years The Sh Dater was aba put on tral bry the Tis Lords The prasecatr was the Valepardto me beatu verian of te Dootar The TARDIS n gron, not but and mngly has amnd of ts own, oten taking he Doctor to a place st a crucial point in hisory It can also repair and heal tser. The Doctor occasionally works alongside UNIT The Docdor's aty to conrai the TARDS varas widly Samimes he can pilat twth pinpont scruray whie other times he mies his interded desation by centries UNIT, the Unied Intoligance Taskforce, is a secret mitary organization that protects Earth from extratorrostrial and supematural threats. It was headed for many years by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a dlose acquaintanoe of the Doctor The TARDIS was designed to be piloted by s Time Lords simutanecusly which explains he Doctors routle with pioing tby himselt Ewa so revaled thut the TARDIS manes ta The characteratie grindng acund curing maaatan bec he laves the parking brak an Seventh Doctor The Doctor was The Eighth a wanted man on Gallifrey 1987 - 1989, 1996 Docfor The Severt Docr 1998 The Ninth Doctor aten diahad with the Rani an evil The Time Lords had a strict non interferenc polcy when it cme to other planets someting which the Doctor strongly opposed female Tme Lord. The Egh Docko 2005 climed ta be half hunan on his motner's side, fect whch lin dapute The Doctor has an actual name thaț is known only to a few close associates He borrowed a TARDIS rom a work shop and began traveling through Sime and space ving worlds The Time Lods branded in a reregade and a crmina for hs actions The Neth Doctor sacrtced hief to n ha hunan companice Rose Tyler wto wan dying ater abaoting the Heat of the TARDIS Sonic Screwdriver He sometimes goes by the alias John Smith The Doctor dalkan weapora andia amed orly with his wits and is Soie Screwaver The increde device cen pertae nareng aey of rcton hamuniocking daans to gaining aco to computers, The Eleventh Doctor and even emotely oonting the TARDIS The Tenth Doctor 2005 - 2010 The Doctor has had several dterent types of Sonics over the year Recerty s ben ed het he Sonics ain prown ty he TARDIS et and ae an etesion at it 2010 - The Doctor is now the Last Of The Time Lords Wen he Tert Doctor regenerated io the Elevent, he TARDIS ard Seei The Tenth Docta hesadagter doned tom ha perat ma, and aregenerated duglicas eng on an Earth in a paeidrere Gallitrey fought against the evi Dalek race in the Last Great Time War. The Doctor played a pivotal role in the War and eventualy ended it by activating a doomeday weapon that destroyed both sides, leaving him the last Time Lord in the universe. Soovdiver ahe regererated, changing ther appeeranoe

The Tardis

shared by Angel on Sep 26
This infographic describes The Tardis, Dr. Who's time machine. It gives information about the different time periods of Dr. Who and the details on his travels.




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