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Taking Care of Your HVAC

Taking care of your V A C eating entilation onditioning ir The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in your home is essential when it comes to dealing with the cold of the winter months. These simple tips will ensure your HVAC system will provide excellent service all the way to the return of spring. 229 + SSS Provide ample room for air circulation around the unit. The best time to clean your HVAC is between summer and autumn. STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Shelter the outdoor unit STAGE 1 STAGE 4 Inspect the dust work Check and change Give your system a thorough cleaning the filters Over time, gradual wear Check the filters at and tear will increase the least once a month. chances of a HVAC breakdown. HVAC Inspection STAGE 1 Pay attention to the duct work that connects the main unit with each of the rooms in your home. STAGE 2 If you find any problems with the duct work, have it repaired immediately. STAGE 3 Remember to flush the ducts. This will remove any mold or other contaminants. STAGE 4 Have a routine check every year before dealing with the cold of the winter months. For households that include indoor pets or smokers, consider inspecting the filters every couple of weeks. When the filters are dirty, change them immediately. Doing so will alleviate stress on the unit and make it possible to keep the home comfortable without wasting a lot of energy. HVAC Protection In terms of a roof on the shelter, also make sure there is plenty of space overhead to all for easy flow of air over the fan blades. You may even want to make sure there are a few open spaces in the walls of the structure. Doing so will protect the unit from snow and ice while still allowing plenty of air flow. OKEYSTONE MECHANICAL GROUP INC Heeating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation Taking care of your V A C eating entilation onditioning ir The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in your home is essential when it comes to dealing with the cold of the winter months. These simple tips will ensure your HVAC system will provide excellent service all the way to the return of spring. 229 + SSS Provide ample room for air circulation around the unit. The best time to clean your HVAC is between summer and autumn. STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Shelter the outdoor unit STAGE 1 STAGE 4 Inspect the dust work Check and change Give your system a thorough cleaning the filters Over time, gradual wear Check the filters at and tear will increase the least once a month. chances of a HVAC breakdown. HVAC Inspection STAGE 1 Pay attention to the duct work that connects the main unit with each of the rooms in your home. STAGE 2 If you find any problems with the duct work, have it repaired immediately. STAGE 3 Remember to flush the ducts. This will remove any mold or other contaminants. STAGE 4 Have a routine check every year before dealing with the cold of the winter months. For households that include indoor pets or smokers, consider inspecting the filters every couple of weeks. When the filters are dirty, change them immediately. Doing so will alleviate stress on the unit and make it possible to keep the home comfortable without wasting a lot of energy. HVAC Protection In terms of a roof on the shelter, also make sure there is plenty of space overhead to all for easy flow of air over the fan blades. You may even want to make sure there are a few open spaces in the walls of the structure. Doing so will protect the unit from snow and ice while still allowing plenty of air flow. OKEYSTONE MECHANICAL GROUP INC Heeating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Taking Care of Your HVAC

shared by keystonemech on Jan 24
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HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning. It's an integral part of every functional household, but not everyone knows how to take care of such a delicate system. Read this infographic to...


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