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Strategies for Web App Security

Strategies for Web App Security The most prevalent vulnerabilities are in: Custom-Built Applications Third Party Software Organizations that write their own applications are subject to application vulnerabilities through insecure design or implementation. Software plug-ins and add-ons (such as Wordpress plug-ins) can be particularly vulnerable because they're often devel- oped by inexperienced programmers or come from sources that don't always follow coding guidelines. How to Address Common Web Application Vulnerabilities Update Software and Install Patches You can prevent most faults and weaknesses by carefully and consistently implementing security during the application's requirements, architecture and design phases. Rb: Properly Configure Application Stack Develop a standard configuration and a repeatable hardening process to make it fast and easy to deploy systems and ensure they're properly locked down. NfG Write Secure Code Keep security in mind both when developing software from scratch and when writing add-ins to existing software. Bh4 Scan your Code and Plugins Vulnerability scanning offers a way to find application backdoors, malicious code, and other threats that may exist in purchased software and internally developed applications. Install a WAF You can use a WAF to virtually patch the application by developing a rule to block the new vulnerability until you can make a permanent fix. Ke2 Download the free eBook Learn more by downloading Akamai's free eBook "Threats and Mitigations: A Guide to Multi-Layered Web Security." The more you know about web security threats, the more you can fight back - and win - against today's sinister attackers. To download your copy, go to: Akamai FASTER FORWARD

Strategies for Web App Security

shared by InfographicMarketing on Oct 21
This infographic highlights common web application DDoS attack vulnerabilities and shows key strategies for a multi-layered web security approach.


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