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Scrub Down and Wipe Clean: Indispensable Classroom Cleaning Hacks

Scrub down and wipe clean Indispensable classroom cleaning hacks Ditch chalkboard dust Wipe down chalkboards with cola to lift off excess chalk dust. Whiten up a white board To make a dry erase board clean and bright again, wipe wn with disinfecting wipes. Remove permanent marker from a white board Homework: Write over the permanent marker with dry erase marker, then erase with a clean, dry cloth. If it's an oil-based permanent marker, remove it with hand sanitizer. Remove marker stains from clothing Put a paper towel under the stain and dab rubbing alcohol on top (the ink will transfer to the paper towel). RUBBING ALCOHOL Manage math manipulatives Toss math manipulatives in a mesh laundry bag and run them through the dishwasher. Take care of glitter spills Lift glitter from nooks and crannies with a lint roller or heavy-duty masking tape. Get rid of desk graffiti Remove marker and pen marks from desks by wiping them down with hand sanitizer. KQ Eliminate sticky tape residue Use a degreaser to remove tape residue, or melt gunk off walls and tabletops with a hair dryer. Clean fingerprints and smudges off tablets O Minimize dirty finger streaks by asking kids to wash their hands before using tablets. After use, wipe tablet screens with microfiber cloths or squares of felt. Do not use a cleaning product on tablet screens. De-stink trash cans Put a few drops of lemon essential oil on a cotton ball and place in the bottom of classroom trash cans. Cut down on germs Assign certain students to wipe down things like desktops and door handles every day. Gunk, graffiti, and glitter can render a classroom messy in no time. Try out these cleaning hacks to keep your classroom in tip-top shape. A small part of your job is 100% of ours.

Scrub Down and Wipe Clean: Indispensable Classroom Cleaning Hacks

shared by Ghergich on May 13
Have you ever accidentally written on a white board with a permanent marker? Encountered desk graffiti? Being a teacher can be very messy! Check out this graphic to learn fun classroom cleaning hacks.




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