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Screen Printing

SCREEN PRINTING 101 drco socbs dreo OK be 940 1900 23od he y Mel orrcs Maccey handprs PRINCIPLE BEHIND PRINTING RATENT SAMUEL SIMON 107 1907 Rim pos ved se epose andardenighe ensitve emon Screen-printing was fint patented in England by Samoel Simon in 1907. It was oriinally od as a popular method to priet expealve wall paper, printed ce linen, s, andother fine fabrios Soeon ame stehed tighey Eren achdt,od denkoed a maymagp e. 101 Sompato pe i on de soven vodtgaen pri LICHTENSTEINWARHOLRAUSCHENBERG He is most krown for his oversted dot at kh he though he AndyWanols oecitad for popurang son prin Ced as one of the most inportant forernnen of American Pop paindthen peintaking wvend to app His mormasy andvo and he ohen ved soenong tnye by emclogin pop a Wahtsed reans of e stooren proce He aho nperimented eng mae hs cartoon art prints, s work st serve corebutions to popoday chnging its men perception, andetabing d nfor tanling photognps onto cans by ve now konik posten of tamos bend h hogaphy to cete hybrd prets e ed these meho and celebriies ke MarMoroe Evi edny et makea commertay on concmporary sodty uning te vory oges tht heped o oeate t socety. REDEFINE • COMMERCIALIZE • REVOLUTIONIZE Brllo sor modern age screen printing Fiatbed Sereen Printing Caresel Manal Astematie Emalsien Ceatlag Priating pa e the tee cede et ly an

Screen Printing

shared by devalmaniar on Feb 03
A Infograph on Screen printing technique. It shows how history to Modern age of Screen printing And how it became Redefine.Commercialize.Revolutionize.




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