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Responsive Website Design – What is it?

RESWebsite PON SIVEDESIGN What Is it? Responsive Design allows your website to respond to the device that it is being viewed on. This presents an optimal experience for all users regardless of whether they're using a phone, tablet, computer, or other devices. 1URL + SO HOW DOES IT WORK? 1920 рх 768 рх 460px Responsive design targets the width of each user's web browser to determine how much space is available and how it should display the website. Breakpoints are set up to allow us to target ranges that define specific types of displays. For instance, you'll generally see breakpoints for phones, tablets, and desktops. Uhat ARE THE BENEFITS? Your website looks great everywhere No need to zoom on smaller devices to Consistent and tailored user experience All pages are available on every device read content Don't be a statistic 46% 44% of mobile users report having difficulty interacting with webpage* complain that navigation was difficult* Should vou MAKE THE SWITCH? yes If you would like to have only ONE site that caters to all your users on any device. The responsive layout re-sizes and re-orients your desktop sites for mobile and tablets of all different screen resolutions. GOOGLE APPROVED 66 Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using Responsive Web Design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device**. Designed by Hall Internet Marketing © 2012 * -load-times-plague-smartphone-tablet-owners-22931/ ** HALL INTERNET MARKETING www.hallm RESWebsite PON SIVEDESIGN What Is it? Responsive Design allows your website to respond to the device that it is being viewed on. This presents an optimal experience for all users regardless of whether they're using a phone, tablet, computer, or other devices. 1URL + SO HOW DOES IT WORK? 1920 рх 768 рх 460px Responsive design targets the width of each user's web browser to determine how much space is available and how it should display the website. Breakpoints are set up to allow us to target ranges that define specific types of displays. For instance, you'll generally see breakpoints for phones, tablets, and desktops. Uhat ARE THE BENEFITS? Your website looks great everywhere No need to zoom on smaller devices to Consistent and tailored user experience All pages are available on every device read content Don't be a statistic 46% 44% of mobile users report having difficulty interacting with webpage* complain that navigation was difficult* Should vou MAKE THE SWITCH? yes If you would like to have only ONE site that caters to all your users on any device. The responsive layout re-sizes and re-orients your desktop sites for mobile and tablets of all different screen resolutions. GOOGLE APPROVED 66 Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using Responsive Web Design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device**. Designed by Hall Internet Marketing © 2012 * -load-times-plague-smartphone-tablet-owners-22931/ ** HALL INTERNET MARKETING www.hallm

Responsive Website Design – What is it?

shared by hallme on Dec 07
Responsive website design seems to be a buzzword in the internet marketing world these days. But what is it, really – and why should you pay attention? In the web marketing and development space, ne...


Caitlin Brown


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