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Reaching the Uninsured Population

MOBILE COMMONS Reaching the UNINSURED POPULATION Text messaging is the most effective way to reach and educate the uninsured population about health insurance. THE PROBLEM 42% OF ALL AMERICANS ARE UNAWARE OF THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE HEALTH CARE LAW 23% DON'T KNOW THE STATUS • 7% BELIEVE IT'S BEEN OVERTURNED ...... BELIEVE IT'S BEEN 12% REPEALED BY CONGRESS THE UNINSURED MOBILE USE 48M 7326.4 M MOBILE SUBSCRIBERS (send over 6 billion texts per day) UNINSURED HOUSEHOLDS UNDER 9/10 $30,000 SEND 58 TEXTS UNINSURED PEOPLE are in low and moderate per day and 2x as many texts as households over $75,000 income families 1/3 HISPANICS TEXT 1.56X MORE HISPANIC are uninsured than caucasians AFRICAN AMERICANS TEXT 1/5 2.24X MORE AFRICAN AMERICANS are uninsured than caucasians 51% AMERICANS AGE 18-29 97% TEXT AMERICANS AGE 18-29 are unaware of current status of the Affordable Care Act sending an average of 87.7 text messages per day THE AMERICANS SEND OR RECEIVE SOLUTION 41.5 MESSAGES/DAY TEXT MESSAGING The best way to reach the uninsured and get them to take action! 99% l 3G 04:57PM 20% OF TEXT MESSAGES OF EMAILS ARE OPENED ARE OPENED 29%• 12% OF TWEETS ARE READ OF FACEBOOK FEEDS ARE VIEWED Mobile Commons Enroll Text REACH to 877-877 or email us at [email protected] to find out how you can start educating and enrolling the uninsured today. SOURCES: The Uninsured A Primer, October 2012, Kaiser Family Foundat ion, Health Tracking Poll, April 2013, Kaiser Family Foundation, Conversat ional Advertising 2010, SinglePoint Cell Phone Activities 2012, Pew Research How Americans Use Text Messag ing 2011, Pew Research CTIA Mobile Commons M C Copyright ©2013 Mobile Commons, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in NYC. 55 Washington St, Ste. 453 - Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 212.537.5175 - [email protected]

Reaching the Uninsured Population

shared by MobileCommons on Jun 25
Text messaging is the most effective way to reach and educate the uninsured population about health insurance. The majority of Americans do not have enough information to understand how the Affordabl...


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