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Range of Hearing

How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can How WELL Do ANIMALS HEAR? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE ANIMAL RANGE OF HEARING IN HERTZ (hz) WHO'S THE BEST AT WHAT THEY DO? Species 500 1,000 5.000 10,000 50,000 100,000 ww Bullfrog 100 3,000 Owl 200 12,000 Human 64 23,000 Horse 55 33.500 Raccoon 100 40,000 Dog 67 45000 Cat 45 64,000 Opossum s00 64,000 Mouse 1,000 90,000 Bat 200 n0,000 Whale 1,000 12000 www TYPES OF HEARING INCREDIBLE HEARING ECHOLOCATION ECHOLOCATION LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OWIS have phenomenal hearing Their large Bata find their way in com plate darkness, using anenar sytem called echolaticn. By Some motha have volved super senate ear Elephants have an exceptional serue of hearing ear holes are at slightly different heights, that can heas bats ultrasonie chirps. Inatead of and can hear at frequencies twenty times helping them pinpoint the position of the enitting uitrasonic chirps and interpeting just taking evasive action, they emit sound lower than humans. They also use theit trunk sources. In complete darkness, it takes moet the eche the sound wrares make after back to bat, eften emitting as many at 450 and feet to hear, both of which harre special receptors to pick up Jow frequency vibrationa Their exceptional hearing ability helps them owls less than o.o1 of a second to assess the bouncing of objectss. Echolation is se elicks in shoth of a second Such action precise direction of a scurrying mouse accurate that with each chirg, a bat can tell efectively jams the bat's sonar and cenfuses the location, sire, direction and even the them, allowing the moth escage detect thunderstorms far away and are always physical nature of an object. the frst animals to move towands rain DOGS VS CATS FISH Cats have better hearing, not only can they hear higher frequencies than dogs, they can distinguish a sound's tone and locate its source far better too. With 30 different muscles, the cat can sotate each of its ears 180 degrees, and position one ear or both facing any sound the cat detects. Sound gets funnelled down to a cat's middle ear so effectively that from a metre away it can easily distinguish the sound of you opening the cat food. Fish collect underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to the vibration and transmit sound Information to the fish brain. T ghte win www herlly teptie can

Range of Hearing

shared by ric on Oct 28
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