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Raising A Reader

RAISING A READER PHONICS IS NOT ENOUGH At PROS OF PHONICS CONS OF PHONICS • A Developmental Reading Assessment test proved that an • Books have been written to compliment phonics, but they did not help children read words that were outside of phonics. average preschool graduate who had received phonics training had 90 percent proficiency. Phonics improves reader fluency and comprehension. • Bigger words need to be memorized and complicated. rules make it hard for children to follow. • Phonics helps children to comprehend and decode a text • About half the words in the English language cannot be pronounced correctly using commonly taught phonetic rules. which allows them to understand each word. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 THE NATIONAL READING PANEL ISSUED A REPORT STATING: PHONICS DRASTICALLY HELPED CHILDREN TO START READING IN KINDERGARTEN TO FIRST GRADE KINDERGARTEN FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE AND ON.. AND FAILED TO HELP IMPROVE READING SKILLS OF CHILDREN IN SECOND GRADE AND ON BUT WHEN COMBINED WITH OTHER READING TECHNIQUES ONE TECHNIQUE OTHER TECHNIQUES COMBINED TECHNIQUES EFFECTIVE! PHONICS BECOMES MORE BENEFICIAL 5 KEY POINTS & TIPS FOR A COMPLETE SET OF READING SKILLS SAY WORDS SLOWLY and stretch them out so your child can hear the individual sounds it takes to put the word together. SHOW THEM HOW CHANGING SOUNDS CAN FORM NEW WORDS. For example, changing the “s" in sing to “r" creates the word ring. PHONEMIC AWARENESS When reading a word, USE A SIMPLE MOVEMENT OR VISUAL CUE to help your child move from one sound to the next. SHOW YOUR CHILD THE RELATIONSHIP between the letters and sounds by starting with simple CVC (consonant- vowel-consonant) words like cat, rat, hot, etc. PHONICS READ ALOUD TO YOUR CHILD REGULARLY with lots of expression. Before they will be able to read fluently, they need to have it modeled and will eventually use it in their own reading. FLUENCY Having children read ALOUD FORCES THEM TO GO SLOWER, which provides more TIME FOR PROCESSING what is read. After reading the material, you should have a focused DISCUSSION WITH CHILDREN about the meaning of the text. VOCABULARY USE VISUALIZATION TO HELP BUILD VOCABULARY SKILLS. Put labels on things around the house. Find ways to describe colors, textures and other things to build vocabulary. PHONEMIC COMPREHENSION BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHONETICS BOB BOOKS BOBBY LYNN MASLEN JACK AND JILL AND BIG DOG BILL MARTHA WESTON GO. DOG. GO! P.D. EASTMAN LESS DIFFICULT Step Reading Jack al Jill al Big Dog Bll Go. Dog Go! Bo BOOKS SEILONB VOWELS by P.DEastman DANNY & THE DINOSAUR MA. PUTTER & TABBY SYD HOFF FRANKLIN PAULETTE BOURGEOIS CYNTHIA RYLANT DANNY AND THE DINOSAUR Mr. Putter t Tlley Walk the Deg Franklin CESTOSCHO Svd Hoff CLIFFORD NORMAN BRIDWELL IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE AMELIA BEDELIA LAURA JOFFE NUMEROFF PEGGY PARISH Amelia Bedelia ****** CLIFFORD IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKTE MORE DIFFICULT SIX STEPS TO PREVENT READING PROBLEMS BEGIN DIRECTLY TEACHING SHOW CHILDREN EXACTLY 4 PHONEMIC AWARENESS AT HOW TO SOUND OUT WORDS AN EARLY AGE USE CONNECTED DECODABLE TEACH EACH LETTER-SOUND TEXT FOR CHILDREN TO PRACTICE THE LETTER-SOUND RELATIONSHIPS CORRESPONDENCE EXPLICITLY THEY LEARN TEACH FREQUENT, HIGHLY REGULAR READ INTERESTING STORIES TO LETTER-SOUND RELATIONSHIPS CHILDREN TO DEVELOP LANGUAGE SYSTEMATICALLY COMPREHENSION FOR MORE INFORMATION ON COMBINING READING TECHNIQUES VISIT WWW.STUDYDOG.COM IMPROVEMENT

Raising A Reader

shared by studydog on Aug 22
Raising A Reader is all about teaching parents the best and most productive ways on how to teach your children how to read.



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