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Pinpointing the Worst Noise Makers in Your Office

PINPOINTING THE WORST noise makers Brought to you by WWW.SPEECHPRIVACYSYSTEMS.COM Most offices are cluttered with documents, paperwork, and appliances, sometimes, locating the cause of noise becomes difficult to do. Before you fall victim to workplace stress, low productivity, and even the loss of vital information in your office, find out what's causing the racket in your office and how you can stop it. Computer/Keyboard Noise: 40 Decibels Pencil sharpener Noise: 20 Decibels For other things like telephones, cellphones, printers, and fax machines: 35-40 Decibels Ideal noise levels in an office for every 8 hours: 50-55 Decibels Wheels of an Dangerous Noise Threshold to Avoid: 85 Decibels and above office chair Noise: 15-20 Decibels Workplace noise (Busy environment) Noise: 50 Decibels Office Chatter Outdoor traffic (indoor voice) Noise: 20-30 Decibels depending on the number of people noise Noise: 80 Decibels How TO CONTROL NOISE IN YOUR OFFICE Sound engineers or acoustic designers highly recommend installing the following to keep your office quiet, or to control noise, at least: Install carpets, tiles, thick curtains and fabrics in your office; these materials are known to absorb noise; Keep sound from traveling or bouncing from what area to another by installing barriers and using sound-absorbent plywood and other construction materials Install sound masking systems or white noise machines in busy or high-traffic areas within and outside of your office. For those unfamiliar with white noise machines, these tools can drown out noise and block 10-20% of hazardous noise levels in your surroundings. SPEECH///PRIVACY SYSTEMS" WWW.SPEECHPRIVACYSYSTEMS.COM Sources Harvard Business Review - Noise at the Office: How to Cope by Patrick J. Skerrett Department of Environment - PINPOINTING THE WORST noise makers Brought to you by WWW.SPEECHPRIVACYSYSTEMS.COM Most offices are cluttered with documents, paperwork, and appliances, sometimes, locating the cause of noise becomes difficult to do. Before you fall victim to workplace stress, low productivity, and even the loss of vital information in your office, find out what's causing the racket in your office and how you can stop it. Computer/Keyboard Noise: 40 Decibels Pencil sharpener Noise: 20 Decibels For other things like telephones, cellphones, printers, and fax machines: 35-40 Decibels Ideal noise levels in an office for every 8 hours: 50-55 Decibels Wheels of an Dangerous Noise Threshold to Avoid: 85 Decibels and above office chair Noise: 15-20 Decibels Workplace noise (Busy environment) Noise: 50 Decibels Office Chatter Outdoor traffic (indoor voice) Noise: 20-30 Decibels depending on the number of people noise Noise: 80 Decibels How TO CONTROL NOISE IN YOUR OFFICE Sound engineers or acoustic designers highly recommend installing the following to keep your office quiet, or to control noise, at least: Install carpets, tiles, thick curtains and fabrics in your office; these materials are known to absorb noise; Keep sound from traveling or bouncing from what area to another by installing barriers and using sound-absorbent plywood and other construction materials Install sound masking systems or white noise machines in busy or high-traffic areas within and outside of your office. For those unfamiliar with white noise machines, these tools can drown out noise and block 10-20% of hazardous noise levels in your surroundings. SPEECH///PRIVACY SYSTEMS" WWW.SPEECHPRIVACYSYSTEMS.COM Sources Harvard Business Review - Noise at the Office: How to Cope by Patrick J. Skerrett Department of Environment -

Pinpointing the Worst Noise Makers in Your Office

shared by posheyewear on Apr 22
What's causing all the racket in your home or office? How can you arrest noise before it leads to stress and other hearing ailments? To protect yourself from the effects of noise, start your journey t...


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