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Persuasive Web Page Design Elements

Logo Snap by Guru Corporation Graphic & Web Design Services What Website Visitors Respond to There are a few things that can make or break your web page. Certain elements on your website's home or landing page can lead to improved sales or loss of traffic. Understanding your target audience is the key here. Research, analyze and put yourself in their shoes before you finalize a web page design. f Face book Website Visitors Call Now:000-111-222 Home About Us Servlces Products Our Blog Contact Us Consectetur Adipiscing Alit Guarantee !!! ivamus sed urna mauris ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum nisl ipsum. Quisque gravida consequat eros, sed porttitor velit lacinia at facilisis semper eros. see more Quisque gravida vamus sed urna Help!!! vamus sed urna E facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum nisl ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum Click Here Quisque gravida ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec > vamus sed urna ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec vamus sed urna odg facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum niel Creating a Persuasive Call to Action Web Page Provide Contact Info Focus on Target Audience Adding a toll free phone number or a visible contact number is known to increase conversion rate. Improved Sales Build Confidence 31% Provide a Money Back Guarantee and clearly state your return policy. If your product requires extra shipping charge, make it clear. A clear privacy policy will helps build trust. Give Bullets Explain about your product in bullets. These are easy to read and even skimming them can help convert a visitor. Visitors are more interested in how your product can benefit them. Businesses have reported increased sales when they focused on their target audience. Powerful Heading Viewers are likely to abandon your web page under 5 second if they don't like what they see. So be clear, be precise and give the users what they are missing. Slow Page Loading Speed 70 % Trigger Emotions Make the headlines encouraging. Tell your target audience what they will be losing by not using your services. 7% Avoid Distractions Create a balanced page with related elements placed next to each other to create a flow, stick to specific product and avoid distractions. Traffic Lost Converslons Drop Other Factors That Improve Conversions 90% • Using Real People Photos on your page 70% • Focusing on One Product & its usability 30% Using Video to Display the Benefits of using your product. Test, Test, Test Keep testing your web page to improve conversions. What works for one business will not always work for another. Areas of a web page that require most testing are: 70% of Call to Action Buttons » 62% Page Content → 68% of Page Layout 65% Page Navigation 48% Checkout Process Make your Web Page Snappy with Other Stuff 25% Offer FREE Stuff Social Media Proof Be it a free Sign up, free trial or a free e-book, giving away free stuff works more than a special discount offer does. Conversion rates can go up by approximately lead your visitors to your social media pages. If they love your products and services they would want to join or at least check out your networks. Give a Reason |Contrasting Call to Action Give potential customers a reason to buy your product. This should stem from what they will be missing if they don't use your product. Tell them what you offer and how it is different. Using contrasting colors, bigger fonts and clearer text on buttons Is likely to increase 10% conversion by 80% Thank you Page Form Above Fold Don't forget this page! Many companies do not add a thank you page once they capture a potential customer. This is one of the most important yet one of the least used marketing of the visitors of your page are likely to spend more time above the fold which is why call to action and lead forms should be placed there. tools. Sources: Bryan Logo Snap by Guru Corporation Graphic & Web Design Services What Website Visitors Respond to There are a few things that can make or break your web page. Certain elements on your website's home or landing page can lead to improved sales or loss of traffic. Understanding your target audience is the key here. Research, analyze and put yourself in their shoes before you finalize a web page design. f Face book Website Visitors Call Now:000-111-222 Home About Us Servlces Products Our Blog Contact Us Consectetur Adipiscing Alit Guarantee !!! ivamus sed urna mauris ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum nisl ipsum. Quisque gravida consequat eros, sed porttitor velit lacinia at facilisis semper eros. see more Quisque gravida vamus sed urna Help!!! vamus sed urna E facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum nisl ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum Click Here Quisque gravida ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec > vamus sed urna ivamus sed urna mauris, facilisis semper eros. Donec vamus sed urna odg facilisis semper eros. Donec dictum niel Creating a Persuasive Call to Action Web Page Provide Contact Info Focus on Target Audience Adding a toll free phone number or a visible contact number is known to increase conversion rate. Improved Sales Build Confidence 31% Provide a Money Back Guarantee and clearly state your return policy. If your product requires extra shipping charge, make it clear. A clear privacy policy will helps build trust. Give Bullets Explain about your product in bullets. These are easy to read and even skimming them can help convert a visitor. Visitors are more interested in how your product can benefit them. Businesses have reported increased sales when they focused on their target audience. Powerful Heading Viewers are likely to abandon your web page under 5 second if they don't like what they see. So be clear, be precise and give the users what they are missing. Slow Page Loading Speed 70 % Trigger Emotions Make the headlines encouraging. Tell your target audience what they will be losing by not using your services. 7% Avoid Distractions Create a balanced page with related elements placed next to each other to create a flow, stick to specific product and avoid distractions. Traffic Lost Converslons Drop Other Factors That Improve Conversions 90% • Using Real People Photos on your page 70% • Focusing on One Product & its usability 30% Using Video to Display the Benefits of using your product. Test, Test, Test Keep testing your web page to improve conversions. What works for one business will not always work for another. Areas of a web page that require most testing are: 70% of Call to Action Buttons » 62% Page Content → 68% of Page Layout 65% Page Navigation 48% Checkout Process Make your Web Page Snappy with Other Stuff 25% Offer FREE Stuff Social Media Proof Be it a free Sign up, free trial or a free e-book, giving away free stuff works more than a special discount offer does. Conversion rates can go up by approximately lead your visitors to your social media pages. If they love your products and services they would want to join or at least check out your networks. Give a Reason |Contrasting Call to Action Give potential customers a reason to buy your product. This should stem from what they will be missing if they don't use your product. Tell them what you offer and how it is different. Using contrasting colors, bigger fonts and clearer text on buttons Is likely to increase 10% conversion by 80% Thank you Page Form Above Fold Don't forget this page! Many companies do not add a thank you page once they capture a potential customer. This is one of the most important yet one of the least used marketing of the visitors of your page are likely to spend more time above the fold which is why call to action and lead forms should be placed there. tools. Sources: Bryan

Persuasive Web Page Design Elements

shared by logosnap on Nov 05
Here's an infographic that shows you the strengths and weaknesses of a Web Page Design.





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