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How Popular Are Mobile Phones Today?

How Popular Are Mobile Phones Today? Nowadays it seems as though everybody has a mobile phone. We use them to call people, email, take photos, play games, browse the Internet and to check the news and weather. But just how popular are mobile phones today, and what are we actually using them for? 4.6 billion 5.000 million 61% 2009 Worldwide, here are 2 phones for every 3 people 4,000 41% 3,000 2,000 23% 12% 1,000 O Mobile penetration rate How many mobile phone subscribers are there? 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 36.6% Nokia 21.8% Samsung 9.2% LG Electronics Global Market Share 3.6% RIM (Blackberry) (Q1 2010) 3.6% Sony Ericsson 25.3% Other For every phone there was in 1990, there are over 370 now 12.4 million O00 1990 OAAAA AAAA RAAAA RAAAOAAAA AAAAA AAAA OAAAAR 4.6 billion 2009 28% Android 21% iPhone 290 million Smartphone Market Share 36% RIM (Blackberry) mobile phones 9% Windows (US Only) 2% Palm 54.7 million Other smartphones Worldwide Sales of Mobile Phones (Q1 2010) In 2009... 2.27 trillion 2,500 billion 1.5 trillion In 2009, US customers with a wireless connection used more than 2 trillion 2,000 text messages were sent in 2009 (US) minutes of talk-time. 6 billion That's the equivalent of over 4 million 1,500 years! minutes were used each day (US) 91% 1,000 F of people in the US had some form of wireless communication device 500 Average monthly bill (US) $80.90 $48.16 US wireless talk-time minutes 1990 2009 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 How people in the US are using their mobile phones (by percentage of total mobile usage) Voice only SMS Mobile media Q1 2009 36% 29% 35% Q1 2010 32% 30% 38% Percentage of US users that used various services on their mobile phone 63.7% 30.1% 28.6% 21.8% 18.7% 13.2% Text messaging Accessed social networks Used browser Used downloaded Played games Listened to music apps A brief history of the mobile phone 2000 3G appears 1979 The first commercially automated cellular network (the 1G generation) was launched in Japan by NTT 2001 First camera phone 1996 The first clamshell mobile phone: Motorola StarTAC 1991 The first commercial GSM call is made. 2G and digital begins 2008 Cellphone analog networks shut down 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1993 1983 First hand-held mobile phone Motorola DynaTAC The first person-to-person SMS was sent 2003 GPS and EDGE technologies introduced 2007 Apple launches the iPhone 1999 Introduction of the mobile web Sources: ComScore I International Telecommunications Union (ITU) I International Association for the Wireless Communications Industry (CTIA) HO.O. 0. #O.0.0. O.0.0.

How Popular Are Mobile Phones Today?

shared by youcom on Jan 24
Today we use mobile phones for just about everything, reading emails, taking pictures and making phone calls. It's hard to imagine life without them. This infographic takes a look at how many people w...


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