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How To Have An Affair And Not Get Caught Cheating (Infographic)

How To Have An Affair And Not Get Caught Cheating (Infographic)

Be armed with the latest cheating techniques on how to have an affair. Go over these sneaky and very effective methods in cheating with your spouse or girlfriend so they will never be the wiser. We asked expert cheaters to enumerate and explain their effective system on staying below radar. We’ve got all bases covered: From how an effective lie should be told to clever maneuvers, having an affair can be as appealing and delicious as having your cake and eating it too. Know all these by heart so that you will not get caught cheating. Use them according to your situation, and surely you will be “The Man!”

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</div> HOW TO HAVE AN AFFAIR AND NOT TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON YOUR PARTNER BUY THE SAME THINGS FOR THEM GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses. Or buy your wife the same lipstick This will help you a lot along the way. And a gym bag, filled with a change of clothes. This gives you a place to be and a reason to be covered in sweat (or showered) when you get home. This one doesn't work though if you have an athletic partner who might want to join with you. your other partner uses. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTRA CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR DEVELOP YOUR ALIBI AHEAD OF TIME Canya ciange ofunderwear that you can toss out the window ifyou need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can'tget them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. You will smell ike sexand so will the underwear you had on before they came off. Drodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Coming up witha good excuse for showing up three hours late is a lot harder on the fly. Pre-plan your reasons a few days ahead. Memorize your story and stick to it, so that details don't start changing later on and give your partner a reason to suspect something. PICK THE RIGHT PARTNERS IN CRIME DON'T LET GUILT CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE Pick the right partner. Some of the criteria are here lose than husband who has more n this way, 2 Picka After a successful creep you'll probably feel quilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You'll then feel compelled to make a surprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something small like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your normal routine because girls can sense when you're doing something out of the ordinary. She'll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not automatically assume it's from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. (1) ALways picka parmerwhotas ou are looking to artner, always picka do by being more caretu or your to lose t he sho partne iresponsible either. too serious but nottoo KEEP EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL DON'T USE FRIENDS A single relations ee ve enough into the trap of blowing money you don't have on your "other partner. It's a lost cause and will catch up to you in the end. Never try and have your friends cover for you. In fact, don't even tell your friends about your affair. Friends can accidentally or on-purpose spills the ns about your activity. Keep your business to yourself and you won't have to worry about getting told on. KEEP IT SIMPLE DROP THE TRIED EXCUSES No need to create some elaborate story to cover your tracks. The more simple your excuse, the better. Don't get into crazy details. Instead, stick to the important facts, such as where you were, why you were there, and why it made you later than expected. If you start getting a little too involved in your stories, you're much more likely to arouse some suspicion, or screw your story up altogether. The first red flag that someone is a cheater is when they continually use the same tired excuse for why they are going to be gone. The most common excuse is work - weather it's working late or going in on days off. T f. The bottom line is that people who are suspicious have ways of finding you and work is one of the easiest of them. PLAN REGULARLY Plan your dates with your other partner at a regular time. Like tell your wife that you have an out of town meeting every Wednesday or a regular guy's night out with your friends every Friday. It is much easier this way. STAY ON THE OTHER SIDE ÕF TOWN CHECK IN WITH YOUR PARTNER FREQUENTLY Unless vou re datinga hermit, your significant other has frends. And theirfriends have a loyalty to your partner that no amount of begging or bargaining can break. Run into one of them while you re out with your secret partner in crime, and you can be quaranteed your boyfriend or girlfriend will know exactly what you ve been up to before you havea chance to hit the send button on your cell phone to explain. Sayouof the popularwaueing noles, and stay in an area of town that you usually don tvisit. Thisispot the time to blow off their incessant phone als Not only will it get them worrying, they li be ready for a fight when you finally arrive home, and you may be more inclined to let the little details slip, letting your partner know what you've really been up to. If your new lover doesn't know about the one you've gotat home, wake yourphona e . Your fo may think you have bladder control issues, but that's slightly more preferable than coming home to a very irate significant other who wants to know what -or who-you've been doing all night. AVOID CONTACT Be sure that your new partner knows not to contact you on your home phone or cellular phone. Even text messages can be very risky. Make sure your new partner doesn either. Tell him or her that you will be the one to contact them whenever you are free. now your home address écity sex HOW TO HAVE AN AFFAIR AND NOT TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON YOUR PARTNER BUY THE SAME THINGS FOR THEM GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses. Or buy your wife the same lipstick This will help you a lot along the way. And a gym bag, filled with a change of clothes. This gives you a place to be and a reason to be covered in sweat (or showered) when you get home. This one doesn't work though if you have an athletic partner who might want to join with you. your other partner uses. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTRA CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR DEVELOP YOUR ALIBI AHEAD OF TIME Canya ciange ofunderwear that you can toss out the window ifyou need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can'tget them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. You will smell ike sexand so will the underwear you had on before they came off. Drodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Coming up witha good excuse for showing up three hours late is a lot harder on the fly. Pre-plan your reasons a few days ahead. Memorize your story and stick to it, so that details don't start changing later on and give your partner a reason to suspect something. PICK THE RIGHT PARTNERS IN CRIME DON'T LET GUILT CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE Pick the right partner. Some of the criteria are here lose than husband who has more n this way, 2 Picka After a successful creep you'll probably feel quilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You'll then feel compelled to make a surprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something small like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your normal routine because girls can sense when you're doing something out of the ordinary. She'll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not automatically assume it's from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. (1) ALways picka parmerwhotas ou are looking to artner, always picka do by being more caretu or your to lose t he sho partne iresponsible either. too serious but nottoo KEEP EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL DON'T USE FRIENDS A single relations ee ve enough into the trap of blowing money you don't have on your "other partner. It's a lost cause and will catch up to you in the end. Never try and have your friends cover for you. In fact, don't even tell your friends about your affair. Friends can accidentally or on-purpose spills the ns about your activity. Keep your business to yourself and you won't have to worry about getting told on. KEEP IT SIMPLE DROP THE TRIED EXCUSES No need to create some elaborate story to cover your tracks. The more simple your excuse, the better. Don't get into crazy details. Instead, stick to the important facts, such as where you were, why you were there, and why it made you later than expected. If you start getting a little too involved in your stories, you're much more likely to arouse some suspicion, or screw your story up altogether. The first red flag that someone is a cheater is when they continually use the same tired excuse for why they are going to be gone. The most common excuse is work - weather it's working late or going in on days off. T f. The bottom line is that people who are suspicious have ways of finding you and work is one of the easiest of them. PLAN REGULARLY Plan your dates with your other partner at a regular time. Like tell your wife that you have an out of town meeting every Wednesday or a regular guy's night out with your friends every Friday. It is much easier this way. STAY ON THE OTHER SIDE ÕF TOWN CHECK IN WITH YOUR PARTNER FREQUENTLY Unless vou re datinga hermit, your significant other has frends. And theirfriends have a loyalty to your partner that no amount of begging or bargaining can break. Run into one of them while you re out with your secret partner in crime, and you can be quaranteed your boyfriend or girlfriend will know exactly what you ve been up to before you havea chance to hit the send button on your cell phone to explain. Sayouof the popularwaueing noles, and stay in an area of town that you usually don tvisit. Thisispot the time to blow off their incessant phone als Not only will it get them worrying, they li be ready for a fight when you finally arrive home, and you may be more inclined to let the little details slip, letting your partner know what you've really been up to. If your new lover doesn't know about the one you've gotat home, wake yourphona e . Your fo may think you have bladder control issues, but that's slightly more preferable than coming home to a very irate significant other who wants to know what -or who-you've been doing all night. AVOID CONTACT Be sure that your new partner knows not to contact you on your home phone or cellular phone. Even text messages can be very risky. Make sure your new partner doesn either. Tell him or her that you will be the one to contact them whenever you are free. now your home address écity sex HOW TO HAVE AN AFFAIR AND NOT TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON YOUR PARTNER BUY THE SAME THINGS FOR THEM GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses. Or buy your wife the same lipstick This will help you a lot along the way. And a gym bag, filled with a change of clothes. This gives you a place to be and a reason to be covered in sweat (or showered) when you get home. This one doesn't work though if you have an athletic partner who might want to join with you. your other partner uses. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTRA CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR DEVELOP YOUR ALIBI AHEAD OF TIME Canya ciange ofunderwear that you can toss out the window ifyou need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can'tget them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. You will smell ike sexand so will the underwear you had on before they came off. Drodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Coming up witha good excuse for showing up three hours late is a lot harder on the fly. Pre-plan your reasons a few days ahead. Memorize your story and stick to it, so that details don't start changing later on and give your partner a reason to suspect something. PICK THE RIGHT PARTNERS IN CRIME DON'T LET GUILT CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE Pick the right partner. Some of the criteria are here lose than husband who has more n this way, 2 Picka After a successful creep you'll probably feel quilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You'll then feel compelled to make a surprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something small like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your normal routine because girls can sense when you're doing something out of the ordinary. She'll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not automatically assume it's from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. (1) ALways picka parmerwhotas ou are looking to artner, always picka do by being more caretu or your to lose t he sho partne iresponsible either. too serious but nottoo KEEP EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL DON'T USE FRIENDS A single relations ee ve enough into the trap of blowing money you don't have on your "other partner. It's a lost cause and will catch up to you in the end. Never try and have your friends cover for you. In fact, don't even tell your friends about your affair. Friends can accidentally or on-purpose spills the ns about your activity. Keep your business to yourself and you won't have to worry about getting told on. KEEP IT SIMPLE DROP THE TRIED EXCUSES No need to create some elaborate story to cover your tracks. The more simple your excuse, the better. Don't get into crazy details. Instead, stick to the important facts, such as where you were, why you were there, and why it made you later than expected. If you start getting a little too involved in your stories, you're much more likely to arouse some suspicion, or screw your story up altogether. The first red flag that someone is a cheater is when they continually use the same tired excuse for why they are going to be gone. The most common excuse is work - weather it's working late or going in on days off. T f. The bottom line is that people who are suspicious have ways of finding you and work is one of the easiest of them. PLAN REGULARLY Plan your dates with your other partner at a regular time. Like tell your wife that you have an out of town meeting every Wednesday or a regular guy's night out with your friends every Friday. It is much easier this way. STAY ON THE OTHER SIDE ÕF TOWN CHECK IN WITH YOUR PARTNER FREQUENTLY Unless vou re datinga hermit, your significant other has frends. And theirfriends have a loyalty to your partner that no amount of begging or bargaining can break. Run into one of them while you re out with your secret partner in crime, and you can be quaranteed your boyfriend or girlfriend will know exactly what you ve been up to before you havea chance to hit the send button on your cell phone to explain. Sayouof the popularwaueing noles, and stay in an area of town that you usually don tvisit. Thisispot the time to blow off their incessant phone als Not only will it get them worrying, they li be ready for a fight when you finally arrive home, and you may be more inclined to let the little details slip, letting your partner know what you've really been up to. If your new lover doesn't know about the one you've gotat home, wake yourphona e . Your fo may think you have bladder control issues, but that's slightly more preferable than coming home to a very irate significant other who wants to know what -or who-you've been doing all night. AVOID CONTACT Be sure that your new partner knows not to contact you on your home phone or cellular phone. Even text messages can be very risky. Make sure your new partner doesn either. Tell him or her that you will be the one to contact them whenever you are free. now your home address écity sex HOW TO HAVE AN AFFAIR AND NOT TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON YOUR PARTNER BUY THE SAME THINGS FOR THEM GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses. Or buy your wife the same lipstick This will help you a lot along the way. And a gym bag, filled with a change of clothes. This gives you a place to be and a reason to be covered in sweat (or showered) when you get home. This one doesn't work though if you have an athletic partner who might want to join with you. your other partner uses. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTRA CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR DEVELOP YOUR ALIBI AHEAD OF TIME Canya ciange ofunderwear that you can toss out the window ifyou need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can'tget them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. You will smell ike sexand so will the underwear you had on before they came off. Drodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Coming up witha good excuse for showing up three hours late is a lot harder on the fly. Pre-plan your reasons a few days ahead. Memorize your story and stick to it, so that details don't start changing later on and give your partner a reason to suspect something. PICK THE RIGHT PARTNERS IN CRIME DON'T LET GUILT CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE Pick the right partner. Some of the criteria are here lose than husband who has more n this way, 2 Picka After a successful creep you'll probably feel quilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You'll then feel compelled to make a surprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something small like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your normal routine because girls can sense when you're doing something out of the ordinary. She'll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not automatically assume it's from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. (1) ALways picka parmerwhotas ou are looking to artner, always picka do by being more caretu or your to lose t he sho partne iresponsible either. too serious but nottoo KEEP EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL DON'T USE FRIENDS A single relations ee ve enough into the trap of blowing money you don't have on your "other partner. It's a lost cause and will catch up to you in the end. Never try and have your friends cover for you. In fact, don't even tell your friends about your affair. Friends can accidentally or on-purpose spills the ns about your activity. Keep your business to yourself and you won't have to worry about getting told on. KEEP IT SIMPLE DROP THE TRIED EXCUSES No need to create some elaborate story to cover your tracks. The more simple your excuse, the better. Don't get into crazy details. Instead, stick to the important facts, such as where you were, why you were there, and why it made you later than expected. If you start getting a little too involved in your stories, you're much more likely to arouse some suspicion, or screw your story up altogether. The first red flag that someone is a cheater is when they continually use the same tired excuse for why they are going to be gone. The most common excuse is work - weather it's working late or going in on days off. T f. The bottom line is that people who are suspicious have ways of finding you and work is one of the easiest of them. PLAN REGULARLY Plan your dates with your other partner at a regular time. Like tell your wife that you have an out of town meeting every Wednesday or a regular guy's night out with your friends every Friday. It is much easier this way. STAY ON THE OTHER SIDE ÕF TOWN CHECK IN WITH YOUR PARTNER FREQUENTLY Unless vou re datinga hermit, your significant other has frends. And theirfriends have a loyalty to your partner that no amount of begging or bargaining can break. Run into one of them while you re out with your secret partner in crime, and you can be quaranteed your boyfriend or girlfriend will know exactly what you ve been up to before you havea chance to hit the send button on your cell phone to explain. Sayouof the popularwaueing noles, and stay in an area of town that you usually don tvisit. Thisispot the time to blow off their incessant phone als Not only will it get them worrying, they li be ready for a fight when you finally arrive home, and you may be more inclined to let the little details slip, letting your partner know what you've really been up to. If your new lover doesn't know about the one you've gotat home, wake yourphona e . Your fo may think you have bladder control issues, but that's slightly more preferable than coming home to a very irate significant other who wants to know what -or who-you've been doing all night. AVOID CONTACT Be sure that your new partner knows not to contact you on your home phone or cellular phone. Even text messages can be very risky. Make sure your new partner doesn either. Tell him or her that you will be the one to contact them whenever you are free. now your home address écity sex HOW TO HAVE AN AFFAIR AND NOT TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON YOUR PARTNER BUY THE SAME THINGS FOR THEM GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses. Or buy your wife the same lipstick This will help you a lot along the way. And a gym bag, filled with a change of clothes. This gives you a place to be and a reason to be covered in sweat (or showered) when you get home. This one doesn't work though if you have an athletic partner who might want to join with you. your other partner uses. ALWAYS HAVE AN EXTRA CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR DEVELOP YOUR ALIBI AHEAD OF TIME Canya ciange ofunderwear that you can toss out the window ifyou need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can'tget them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. You will smell ike sexand so will the underwear you had on before they came off. Drodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Coming up witha good excuse for showing up three hours late is a lot harder on the fly. Pre-plan your reasons a few days ahead. Memorize your story and stick to it, so that details don't start changing later on and give your partner a reason to suspect something. PICK THE RIGHT PARTNERS IN CRIME DON'T LET GUILT CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE Pick the right partner. Some of the criteria are here lose than husband who has more n this way, 2 Picka After a successful creep you'll probably feel quilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You'll then feel compelled to make a surprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something small like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your normal routine because girls can sense when you're doing something out of the ordinary. She'll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not automatically assume it's from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. (1) ALways picka parmerwhotas ou are looking to artner, always picka do by being more caretu or your to lose t he sho partne iresponsible either. too serious but nottoo KEEP EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL DON'T USE FRIENDS A single relations ee ve enough into the trap of blowing money you don't have on your "other partner. It's a lost cause and will catch up to you in the end. Never try and have your friends cover for you. In fact, don't even tell your friends about your affair. Friends can accidentally or on-purpose spills the ns about your activity. Keep your business to yourself and you won't have to worry about getting told on. KEEP IT SIMPLE DROP THE TRIED EXCUSES No need to create some elaborate story to cover your tracks. The more simple your excuse, the better. Don't get into crazy details. Instead, stick to the important facts, such as where you were, why you were there, and why it made you later than expected. If you start getting a little too involved in your stories, you're much more likely to arouse some suspicion, or screw your story up altogether. The first red flag that someone is a cheater is when they continually use the same tired excuse for why they are going to be gone. The most common excuse is work - weather it's working late or going in on days off. T f. The bottom line is that people who are suspicious have ways of finding you and work is one of the easiest of them. PLAN REGULARLY Plan your dates with your other partner at a regular time. Like tell your wife that you have an out of town meeting every Wednesday or a regular guy's night out with your friends every Friday. It is much easier this way. STAY ON THE OTHER SIDE ÕF TOWN CHECK IN WITH YOUR PARTNER FREQUENTLY Unless vou re datinga hermit, your significant other has frends. And theirfriends have a loyalty to your partner that no amount of begging or bargaining can break. Run into one of them while you re out with your secret partner in crime, and you can be quaranteed your boyfriend or girlfriend will know exactly what you ve been up to before you havea chance to hit the send button on your cell phone to explain. Sayouof the popularwaueing noles, and stay in an area of town that you usually don tvisit. Thisispot the time to blow off their incessant phone als Not only will it get them worrying, they li be ready for a fight when you finally arrive home, and you may be more inclined to let the little details slip, letting your partner know what you've really been up to. If your new lover doesn't know about the one you've gotat home, wake yourphona e . Your fo may think you have bladder control issues, but that's slightly more preferable than coming home to a very irate significant other who wants to know what -or who-you've been doing all night. AVOID CONTACT Be sure that your new partner knows not to contact you on your home phone or cellular phone. Even text messages can be very risky. Make sure your new partner doesn either. Tell him or her that you will be the one to contact them whenever you are free. now your home address écity sex

How To Have An Affair And Not Get Caught Cheating (Infographic)

shared by mariefelipe on Jan 19
Be armed with the latest cheating techniques on how to have an affair. Go over these sneaky and very effective methods in cheating with your spouse or girlfriend so they will never be the wiser. We ...






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