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Foods and Beverages: The Best and Worst Options for Your Teeth

FOODS AND BEVERAGES: The Best and Worst Options for Your Teeth BEST VEGETABLES Fiber-rich vegetables increase salivary flow, which helps wash away bacteria Choose crunchy veggies, such as carrots, as a snack instead of something starchy, such as chips DAIRY Calcium in cheese, milk, and yogurt helps re-mineralize your teeth MILK Opt for low-fat options when you reach for a dairy snack SUGARLESS GUM Chewing gum helps produce saliva, which minimizes the effects of acids in the mouth Find a sugarless flavor that you like and chew a piece after meals if you can't brush WATER Fluoridated water helps to strengthen your enamel and prevent tooth decay Drink water instead of soda, juice, or sports drinks for natural refreshment WORST ICE Even if it's made from fluoridated water, chewing on ice can damage your teeth Let your ice stay in your glass where it can cool your water STICKY FOODS Candies and even dried fruit stay behind on your teeth, prolonging exposure to sugars If you eat dried fruit, rinse your mouth out afterwards or brush if you can SODA Sodas coat your teeth in acid and sugars, which can damage your enamel Even diet sodas can harm your teeth, as carbonation is acidic ALCOHOL Heavy drinking can reduce the amount of saliva you produce This can increase your risk of dry mouth and tooth decay Heavy drinking may also increase your risk of developing oral cancer Provided by: UAD UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES IN DENTISTRY www.BESTDENTALIMPLANTSINCHICAGO.COM Sources: D=4062

Foods and Beverages: The Best and Worst Options for Your Teeth

shared by BrittSE on Jan 30
In addition to increasing your risk of tooth decay and dry mouth, heavy alcohol consumption can elevate your risk for oral cancer! Learn how to treat your teeth right by looking at this infographic.


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