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EPL Fans vs NFL Fans

TALE OF RAVING FANS: EPL FANS VS PREMIER LEAGUE NFL NFL FANS How do English Premier League (EPL) fans compare to National Football League (NFL) FOOTBALL VERSUS' FOOTBALL fans in terms of social HHFFFFH media engagement, stadium activities, TV viewership and time invested in supporting YYY FANS VERSUS FANS Y their team? IT'S ON! SOCIAL LEAGUES & ALSO, ON A TEAM LEVEL The second most popular EPL team has more Facebook fans than the Top 4 NFL teams combined! EPL: NFL NFL: Manchester United: 36.7m likes Dallas Cowboys: 5.7m likes Pittsburgh Steelers: 5.0m likes New England Patriots: 4.2m likes Green Bay Packers: 3.6m likes Chelsea: 19.6m likes Arsenal: 16.3m likes Liverpool: 13.3m likes EPL FANS ARE CRAZY ABOUT THEIR FREQUENCY OF SEEKING TEAM INFO Daily Several TEAM WITH 90% COMPARED TO 78% OF NFL FANS CHECKING OUT WHAT'S times week NEW SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK FANS O Weekly or 100 less often DURING THE SEASON. 10% 26% 22% 80 29% 48% 26% :0:: 60 29% EPL fans are more active on social media and follow their teams more religiously. NFL 40 61% 27% 90% 78% 44% 52% 20 25% During season During off-season LIVE ATTENDANCE NFL 53 35.921 67.604 England vs USA population: 53 million vs 313.9 million>5.9 times Average 313.9 millon more people in the States. 13.4m 17.1m 88.531 (Dallas Cowboys) Total Average ticket Highest average 75.274 (Man Utd) Lowest average 20.752 (Swansea City) 54.216 (Oakland Raiders) V $45.60 $78.38 price 92.2% 94.6% Stadium capacity filled (2011) (2010) HOME GAMES ATTENDED There are 38 games in an EPL season compared to 16 in NFL » 19 home games vs 8 home games » 6 games live vs 1 game live :0:: EPL NFL more active NFL 30% 15% 38 16 19 8 6 1 EPL fans are 2 times as likely to attend a game than NFL fans if their team is playing. games in a season home games game live FANS, TV AND GAMES Where is it broadcasted? SHOW ME THE MONEY (AND TIME): NFL On average both fans use 12% of their monthly income to follow and support their team. O 212 234 O 0% of monthly incom 1%-5% countries/ territories Percent of Monthly Income Spent on Supporting/Following Team 6%-10% (data from 2005)* 11%-20% 20%+ $4.8 $4.95 billion/year for TV rights H0:: NFL PREMIER * If you don't count the Superbowl, the number is smaller 16% 17% 18% 24% How many people tune in per game 7% 13% 15% 12.3 16.6 32% milion/ 22% game 36% O= million And, let's be honest, both sets of fans spend ridiculous time every week following their own team and league. Hours/Week Spent Following "Favorite" Team / League During Season (Avarage) Favorite Team Following "Favorite" Team (Avarage) Lilililı 11.6 Games watched on TV/ Listened to on Radio 9.7 65% 79% 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h gh 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h League 11.3 32% 19% 12.1 1h 10 11" 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18" NFL fans watch 79% of their teams games, compared to 66% of EPL fans. "Completely Agree" With Statement 66% (79% 85% 76% 86% 79% In absolute numbers that means 25:13 games.** I would never change my allegiance to another team I support TEAM win or lose ** EPL 38 games x 0.66 = 25.08 NFL 16 games x 0.79= 12.64 Global game sales in 2012 (PS3 & Xbox360) CONCLUSION: EA FIFA 13 EA Madden NFL 13 EPL fans spend more time following their team; attend more games; won't change allegiance as easily and spend the same percentage of their income to support their teams while the NFL is actively followed by a bigger portion of locals. 9,600,802 4,102,247 = million Percentage of people following the league actively: EITHER WAY, THESE ARE RAVING FAN BASES. PREMIER LAGUE NFL 79% 66% This infographic was brought to you by UK's leading free bets comparison site . Bringing you the best and freshest free bet offers from bookmakers nation- and worldwide! BigFREEbet EPL fans are at the stadiums as well

EPL Fans vs NFL Fans

shared by sarah.bay.7146 on Jan 31
The English Premier League (EPL) and the NFL exist independently of each other, and the US only really plays the soccer version of football against the UK when it comes to the FIFA World Cup or the Ol...


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