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Disaster in Japan

DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE Japan wes hit hy at least 20 curthqualesofa agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN ELEVATION KEY HOKKAIDO 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne Aopan VERY STRONG S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Meae E WAKAYAMA. Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° Seadal EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Oltachi AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Mat Chochia- Ne Nag Kyote Kole Oka ONan T 0-SHIMA CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama akadine TSUSHEMA ৩ Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta HACHIROIM4 Nagaaki AMARESA- KTUS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya кала NETTO RATTO 320.00 Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 jaunnae Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Suoduction zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, which the Japan Meteoralogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. 4 As that soueeging coetined, e wave pushod bigher while ase slowing down. Wave heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That nomally happens a few metres aftihare 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger. DISASTER IN JAPAN THE QUAKE km 10 Jupan wes hit by at least 20 urthquakes of a agnitude of va or more in the Richter seale Priday. The initial shock seasuret an incredible 8.9 and stirred up 10-metre teunamis, rewarkuble even for a untry in a hat corner ythe Pacifir "Ring of Fire that is aubject to 20 of the wurif'e eurthquakas. ORUNANIN HOKKAIDO ELEVATION KEY iS atnhech 0- 2, O Cn 1.2 O Dunaged dises LM- L A Mciear plas . L V Patu direcion - Pate e A Actve cano 4 SENDAI Between 200 and 300 bodies were repertedy found e the caast of Sendai, which was anseg the hardest Nt cies. Ship were ung onto their sides, airport nmways were delaged and amassive wave carying cars, shipping containers and random debris cascaded through the oity. Aurharties said at least 1.200 homes were destroyed as residents strugging to cape in the cold and dark. STRONG SHAKING OKHOTSK PLATE Hakdne 20 Aopan ERY TRONG SHAK S. OARAI A whirlpoel formed by the tsunani threatened to engutt fishing vessels and other beats. 6. FUKUSHIMA I NUCLEAR REACTOR Residents sear Fukanhina No. Iplant were evacuated after reperts ofa nafunctianing coalant system Japanese authorities anounced the release of sightly radicactive" vapeur tren the plant, accarding to reperts. The US. Air Farce delivered coalant to the plant. kriow sa leel AAPAN TRENCH 1. HAKODATE About 3,000 peaple were evacuated ton the bisteric fishing port after a twe-netre wyve ripped through the cantre of tows EVERE SHAR KING Aka Momika 2. TOKVO The city's ral banport ssten cengktely stopped after the quake shook affice towers, stranding nilons ot residents. People cleared the shops of food. gaeand for pasphones and sauggled te hire one ef the few avalable taxis, LAYAGI PREFECTURE A ship carrviec 30 deck workers was washed way from a siipyard. Al on beard are belleved ta be safe 7. ONAGAWA NUCLEAR REACTOR A fire breke out at Tohaku Eledric Power Ca.s plant but was estingsished. Kes a Og 3.Mo Even hundreds of klonetres tron the warstt arean, 10 00 sidents in city of 370,00 were evacted to 40° EPICENTRE! aveid tsanani wn. Nitala SAD SHA O Se O Mieamo KESENNUMA The fishing cty with a papalationof T4000 was ht bty widespread fires along its waterfront, stil raging 15 hours after the quake. Ose-third of the city was subnerged by tsusani waters LAING ENO JAPAN Sf lopa M Oath AMUR PLA AYH ural ORA-SINOD PACIFIC PAATE Takj 2 Mat Chochia- Ne A Kyote Nag Kole Oka ONan T CITIES IN DANGER lakanu 8 Dle O Wakayama Oaks Yan o VERY STRONG SHAKING Petential damage ta structures moderate te heavy OMana POPULATION 1,a 0 57,000 341,000 MIYAKEMA Fakag CITY Sendai Kohi O Siga aki Koriyana Maricka fukunhina Yamagsta A umt Nagaaki AMAKESA KS 25 VILILIPPINE PLATE NANKAE TROGH JAPAN STRONG SHAKING Potential derage ta strectares light to modeaie Mi utsanemiya Aa 4500 320.00 RATTO Mite Hachisshe 247,000 239.000 Hitachi rakt Takya 13.000.00 THE JAPAN TRENCH HOW A SUBDUCTION ZONE WORKS Jasan's pesition at the centre of a slew metion calision is te bane for is serioun earthasakes Handreds of kilometres off the ceast. the Pacific tectanic plate is sliding beseath the Ohatk plate n which the Japanese island of omhu sits, at a rate of abeut nine centinetres per yeara relatively quick pace in geslogica te, Athe cediian point is the lapan Trench, the seventh-deepest ecean trench an Earth with a maiman depth of abeut nine kilometres. JAPAN TRENCH When twe ocsaric plates colide, the heavier plate bends and planges into the earth When buiR-up stress and frictian on the cantinental plate is released sadderly. an earthquake occurs. OKHOTSK PLATE Okhetsk plate Subdactioce zone ACIFIC PLATE Pacific plate Lithesphe Lihosghere HOW THE TSUNAMI STRUCK JAPAN The meund af water is relatively safe for ships at this distance. 1 At about 246 pun lacal time in Japan, an 89 magnitude carthquake struck apprasinately 24 kilometres belaw sea level several thausand netres above the quake site. The etlects and about 128 kilenetres att the coast of Sendal. The mation tan the quake, wbich the Japan Meteoraogical Saciety has called the strongest in the country's history, added energy to the water. 2 This energy farced the water toward the sarface, which was were still smal at the ncean's sartace But at the same tie, the esergized water started peshing beneath the surface toward the shoreline. 3 That energised water moved across the gcean floor at speeds rialling a jet plane. As it drew cleser te the cost, the meut of water was squeczed by the sloping betton of the ocean, casing a wave to farm. heights increase as the depth ef the water decreses, and uhen a wane's height is about equal ta the depth of the water beneath it, the energired water wall breaks. That normally hapes a few metres 5 At about 355 pm, witnesses reported the biggest tsanami, about 10 metres tal, hiting the caast af Sendai. The massive anaunt of water behind the wave cast a devastating flood over deoens ot cities and towns covering about 2,100 kilametres of sharele aftihare 4The tide will seen to recede suddenty jest prier to the Wi 4Ships deser te the shore are le more danger.

Disaster in Japan

shared by GeeGrl on Sep 04
This infographic is about the terrible earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan as a geological visualization.


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