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Cost of operating house in US

Costof Operating U.S. Rental Housing According to the National Apartment Association's 2013 Survey of Operating Income & Expenses 4,526 communities & 1.1 million units 56.6% Overall net operating income (NOI) in the "markeÅ™ rent sector of the survey, up 0.8% compared to 2011. Survey Sample Size National Rents Projected to Rise Rents in 2013 are expected to increase by up to 2.7% nationally (that's a faster rate than inflation). Apartment demand is strong. The number of J.S. households grew by 980,000 in 2012. That's an increase from the 600,000 per year average during the past five years. 20.6 million people, are spending more than 30 percent of their income on rent. A quarter, 11.3 million, are spending more than 50 percent of their income on rent, forcing them to spend Specific Expenses to the Property Management fees increased to $337 per unit in 2012. Marketing costs remained approximately the same at $156 per unit. Maintenance costs declined to $449 per unit in 2012. Contract services costs declined to an average of $249 per unit in 2012. Salaries changed slightly to $1,147 per unit in 2012. Average property-related insurance costs increased to $249 per unit ($0.27 per square foot) in 2012. Fast Eviction Services providing fast evictions, small claims, collections since 1979 [email protected] 634 Oak Court San Bernardino, CA 92410 (800) 675-5002 1-800-686-8686 %24

Cost of operating house in US

shared by fasteviction on Nov 18
Renting a house in United States are facing the highest financial burden as study shows that economic recession, driving more people out of the housing market and into rentals.


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