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Ecommerce and tablet users on the rise

TABLET E-COMMERCE: PORTRAIT OF A TABLET SHOPPER Tablet use is increasing exponentially - after just a few short years, 55 million Americans already own some type of tablet device. And that number is expected to grow! With the simple functionality that tablets offer, more and more online shoppers are turning to these devices to meet their purchasing needs, spending an ever-increasing amount of money while they're at it. See the recent trends in tablet e-commerce, as well as some pro-tips for online retailers to maximize their returns from tablet users. RISE OF THE TABLETS 19% 19 % of U.S. consumers said they own a tablet That's up from the 10% who claimed that before Christmas 2011 Tablet owners by year 5% 1OOM 60 MILLION: of total 2011 web 80M Number of Americans forecasted sales came from ----. to own a tablet by year's end mobile devices 60M 40M ---- 4% VIA TABLET 20M UP FROM 1% IN I YEAR 2011 2012 2013 2014 1% VIA SMARTPHONE Tablet web use has increased over GROWING IO TIMES FASTER THAN SMARTPHONES 300% Expected to account for 10% of total website traffic by 2014 from last year PORTRAIT OF A TABLET OWNER A new generation of power spenders 18-34: 2/3 TABLET OWNERS USE THEIR TABLETS 2 HOURS A DAY Age group with greatest tablet ownership Average income: 11% CLAIM THEY USE THEIR TABLETS "CONSTANTLY" (4) (4) ($) (4) ($) (4) (4) ($) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 52% 40% $63,000 prefer to shop prefer desktop on tablets computers Tablet owners are mostly male 77% used their devices for shopping, 29% during the 2011 holiday season have an income greater than $75,000 WEEKEND SHOPPING: 34% 34% of tablet owners use their tablets for shopping during the weekends 24% 24% use desktop computers 27% 27% use smartphones SPENDING HABITS The changing landscape of online shopping İIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||||||| 77% $123: S102: OF RETAILERS CLAIM THAT ORDERS MADE FROM TABLETS ARE OF GREATER VALUE THAN THOSE MADE ON HOME OR WORK COMPUTERS AVERAGE CONVERSION RATES TABLETS $80: Average tablet order Average desktop DESKTOPS order Average smartphone SMARTPHONES order 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% TABLET COMPUTER SMARTPHONE Shopping cart abandonment rate of tablets: USERS USERS USERS 62% Tablet users spend 20% more than computer users, on average 50% more than orders made on smartphones Compared to 69% of smartphones OPERATING ON IMPULSE The impulsive nature of tablet shoppers Only 22% of tablet users claim to have made no purchases in the past 6 months 22% 30% Compared to 36% of smartphone online shoppers 36% 12% of tablet users made more than 10 purchases in the past 6 months 12% Compared to 7% of smartphone users Around 30% of tablet owners agree 7% that tablet mobility leads to purchasing more products E-COMMERCE STRATEGY Retailers adapt to the rise of the tablet 46% Amount of tablet users who would turn to a competitor if they had a poor shopping experience on the website 8 OUT OF 10 RETAILERS claim email and SEM efforts are the top drivers of web traffic 20% of emails opened on any campaign are opened on a mobile device 39% of retailers used tablet paid search campaigns Amount of web impressions in Q1 2012 that came from tablets 20%: 15%: Amount for the same time last year 20% of retailers used tablet display ad campaigns 91% OF RETAILERS claim to have a mobile strategy DON'T MAKE AN APP - JUST OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE! Streamline: Choose fast load times over an abundance of features Incorporate tap-zoom functionality Avoid using Adobe Flash Reduce number of fields during checkout USE LARGER FONTS Simplified and optimized checkout on product pages SOURCES: MIVA MERCHANT

Ecommerce and tablet users on the rise

shared by joewhyte on Aug 19
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“The increased rise in tablet purchases and outlines who exactly is purchasing these tablets with corresponding buyer habits






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