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Child Safety in the Car

CHILD SAFETY ICAR In 2010, more than 200 children below the age of 14 died in car accidents. = "1 child every 3 hours" "19 hildren every hour" In that same year, approximately /1,000 children suffered injuries. Did you know? Sitting in a car seat or booster reduces the chances of death: For infants (below age 1) by 71% For toddlers (ages 1-4) by 54% No booster Infants Toddlers Children (ages 4-8) have a 45% lower chance of serious injury if they are properly seated in a booster. According to one study, /2% of children were found to be sitting in boosters or car seats that were improperly 72% Improperty fastened arseat or booster fastened. Over the course of one year, as many as children below the age of 12 ride in a car without using a seatbelt or booster seat. 166% of the children who were killed in car accidents were being driven by a drunk driver. How can you ENSURE the safety of YOUR child? CAR SEAT GUIDELINES 0-25 Rear-facing car seat – until maximum height or weight is reached (check manual). 2-55 Forward-facing car seat -until maximum height or weight is reached (check manual). 5-95 Booster – until child is 57 inches tall. 57" Normal seatbelt use. What can YOU do? Check with a local agency that you have installed your car seat or booster properly. Monitor your child's height and weight to ensure that the appropriate car seat or booster is being used. Get in the habit of checking the backseat before starting the ignition to check that all passengers are safely buckled. Sources: Center for Disease Control (CDC) THE ROTHENBERG LAW FIRM LLP A PROLD HISTORY OF SLLCESS 800-624-8888 Injury More than Chance of Injury 45% Chance of death

Child Safety in the Car

shared by KevinEvans on Feb 18
According to one study, 72% of children were found to be sitting in #carseats or boosters that were improperly fastened. Learn more about the critical statistics on children's car seats in our new infographic




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