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4 Known Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

KNOWN HOME REMEDIES 4 KNOWN HOME REMEDIES FOR DIAPER RASH OATMEAL This very simple food though packs a lot of useful nutrients that can help the skin recover from diseases or infection. It works by rejuvenating the skin's natural structure and composition which in turn helps in promoting healthy skin. COCONUT OIL Coconut oil was previously perceived to be unhealthy if used with foods. But later analysis proved that it is actually one of the healthiest oil available. This is especially true for virgin coconut oil which is pressed without the usual heating process. ALOE VERA Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory property that gives a soothing effect over irritations. It is essentially skin- friendly with vitamin E to boost healing. PETROLEUM JELLY This may not heal diaper rash on its own but it could help lessen the chances of the infection to get worse. This is often given by pediatricians to protect the skin from worsening. It works by giving the skin a thin protective layer each time you change your baby's diapers. Make sure that your baby's bottom is dry during each diaper change. This way, you can minimize the formation of microbes that can disturb your baby's skin structure. This works in tandem with having proper air flow. Then there's breast milk. We all know that breast milk has tons of useful nutrients for the baby. And it's also very useful for the skin. Applying breast milk over the rash can help the skin recover much faster.

4 Known Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

shared by marcushealth on Jan 18
Having a baby can be the most rewarding gift one can have. But that does not mean it doesn’t have challenges along the way. Rearing a baby is very challenging and tricky. Think about waking up late ...


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