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30 Tips To Build Your Personal Brand From 37 Experts

SReferralCandy PRESENTS 30 TIPS TO BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND FROM 37 EXPERTS IDENTIFY, DEFINE AND CRAFT YOUR IDENTITY BEING YOURSELF ALLOWS YOUR AUDIENCE NO SUGAR COATING. 2 то соNNECT I've interviewed 100+ of Ramit Sechi's studerts. A big raason why they buy his courses is they soa Ramit a a guy that tells it ike it is And Ramit has told me If you try to be someone other than your true self online. t won't last. and it will eventuolly ruin your brand altogether. JOHN LEE DUMAS & KATE ERICKSON FOUNDER A CONTENT CREATOR, ENTREPRENEURONFIRC himself this isn't some sort of show he puts on. That's what I try to do i try to talk like myself and be mysell. He vourselt, As simply complicatad as that! MICHAEL ALEXIS LAWYER WieTER PAUL JARVIS AUTHOR, THE GOOD CREATIVE TO WIN SOME, YOU HAVE TO LOSE OTHERS NO! The minuta opened up and was unapologetically myself in all I did and said, thet's when my brand was realy Don't be afreid to telk about things other people won't say. It might make you polarizina. but it wil also make you EOwerlul. There are people who won't like you or your brand no farmed and made unique, and that's when my tribe startad gathering around me No usa trying to hide bahind something you're not, and def ritelv no value in frying to please everyone. matter what - embrace it. MARLEE WARD NATALIE SISSON FOUNDER RADICAL ENTREPRENEUR FOUNDER E AUTHOR, THE SUITCASE ENTREPRENEUR WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT, BETTER? LEVERAGE THAT. WORLD'S FIRST SMART T-SHIRT WITH TEMPERATURE SENSORS AND BUILT-IN COMPUTER 68 NORMAL T-SHIRTS Be uniqua Don't create a brand thet's just like everyone else's Find your uniqua selling proposition (JSP) ond get cleer over your messege and brand It will reolly help you end set yourself apart from the competition. JEET BANERJEE CO-FOUNDER STATFUSE.COM AUTHOR, LIMITLESS THINKING NAVID MOAZZEZ FOUNDER, NAVIOHOAZZEZ.COM Figure out what you are uniquely good at and showcase vour talents in ways that will attract others. This will position you for success. JIM JOSEPH AUTHOR, THE EXPERIENCE EFFECT SERIES PROFESSOR, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY USE VISUALS / DIFFERENT MEDIA TO STAND OUT If your compet tors pictures themselves in dark suits, put on a red. If you have a If you have the personalty for it, try a passion for quirky glasses, highlight them in your profile pic. Transform your webpage into something bold and bright thet reflects the essence of you. YouTube channel that positions you as an expert in your topic ANNA RYDNE WRITER, STEAMFEED.COM A COMMUNICATE EVOUR) SOLLS JUN LOAYZA CREATOR DRORLHID DOHINATION SYSTEN PEOPLE KNOW WHEN YOU'RE FAKING IT ?? Pink writes try the old "buyer bewure" world where the salesmen knew more than the buyer. But today we are much closer to "saler bewara," which he Boing honest helps build trust and credibility with your audience. which will lead to a lova about information esymme calls information parity The old "secrat informetion is now there for the world to see. and because of techinology it's getting ees ie to spot the fakes a mile away. But this is good for yau and your audiance, pecause hanesty prevails in the enc following who knows likes ard trusts you JOHN LEE DUMAS & KATE FOUNDER & CONTENT CREATOR, ENTREPRENEURONAIRE CRAIG MCBREEN FOUNDER. HCBREEN DESIGN * BLEED A LITTLE: SHARE YOUR STRENGTHS AND PAST FAILURES THE SENSORS KEEP THIS SMART T-SHIRT MY LIEHANGED THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE T-SHIRT. EVER. CRASHINGS Why not use your past experiencAS TO craft graat copy? Tell the world sbout vour big mistakes and the lessons you've learned There is nothing wrong with showingg the world your private parts CRAIG MCBREEN FOUNDER, NCOREEN DESIGN Alweys be truthtul and share your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Share content that will henefit people and teech them something. Make them feel Ike they want to keep coming back for more Show up with your whole impertect self. Impertection is triendly and memorable. Like that story of the Norwegian singar Samsaya who has a 3mm gap bet ween her front teeth. When the maior record lebels told heer to get it fixed. she refused and went on to create her own record label and caled it 3MM Records. You aran't going to forgat that ona, are you? ADRIENNE SHITH FOUNDER, ADRIENNESMITH. NET ANAIS BOCK BULLSHT ELIHINATION, CONSISTENTLY DELIVER ON YOUR COMMITMENT COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU COMFORTABLE IN OUR T-SHIRTS! Day 1 Day 253 FIRMWARE UPDATE FOR SMAR T-SHIRT Your brand isn't ebout your logo. it's about the total experience you provide to your peopla, It's the promiise on which you build your business. If youre flaky. ntry should they imvest ther time in you? Ba your self instead of a clone of someone else Deliver on the commitment you've made. It's the best way to brand nave lat of ather choioes, Show up Show up They ha up withour fN CHRIS BROGAN OER. CHRISBROGAN.COM& MARLEE WARD FOUNDEH, RADICAL ENTREPRENEUR OWNER HAGAZINE APPLY YOURSELF CONSISTENTLY That way, people will know whal to emect from vou ad wil anpreciate wtat unu havo to offor Over If you are daviating from the lock and feel of vour brand- even slightly - it's confusing And i's because vou're married t your brand that wou han to make sure it roally potlocts uu pod CRo akich you 2ana and over again. your personality. Always be yourselr when you are your brand remains consistent end strong. JIM JOSEPH ALTHOR, THE EKPERIENCE JESSICA KUPFERMAN FOUNDER & HOST, LADY BUSINESS RADIO 10 SHOW SNIPPETS OF YOURSELF IN WHAT YOU DO Be You - This sounds obvious but so many people don't do this. Being transperent, giving your audience the "reel vou is important For c sal example I lovve hip hop music. soi edd snippets of my favonite songs my podcast episodes and my intros esongs to duds of my h GREG HICKMAN HOST, MOBILE HIKED PODCAST AUTHOR, THE SHS MARKETING HANDBOOK 11 BUILD A CAREER NARRATIVE SDAY PRESENT ARST Every great personal brand has a great story. Oprah. Martha Stewart Steve Jobs Your story wil help people feel like they lnow you and You nood to tal real life stories ; the most successful personal branders are real people that we feel a deep connection to want to hire you. KRIS JONES JESSICA KUPFERMAN FOUNDER E HOST, LADY BUSINESS RADIO FOUNDER, KOJ CAPITAL CHAIRMAN, INTERNET MARKETING NINJAS Start by identifving your key thame, your mata-rarrative that tias all the pieces of your cereer toether, Ask yourself, "What is the overall therme or story?" Make sure that the story leads to where you want to take your brand next. CATHERINE KAPUTA AUTHOR, VOU ARE A BRANDI FOUNDER, SELFBRAND.COM YOU NEED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK 12 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE POSITION YOURSELT ACCORDINGLY 13 KNOW YOUR COMPETITORS DEAL ADERE OURPLAH WHO ARE THEY WHAT DO THEY DO? HOW DO THEY LOOK? I GOTTA DE THE OPPOSITE. UMMER The more specitic you can position yoursalf, the clearer your message will be and the more likely you are to attract your ideal client. Marny entrepreneurs think that it they go broad theyll reach a wider audience, but that actually doesn't work. ANDREEA AYERS FOUNDER, LAUNCH GROW JOY ANNA RYDNE WRITER, STEAMFEED.COM SCOMMUNICATE (YOUR) SKILLS 14 KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO HOw WOULD I PEEL PO ON'T IF THIS POST MADE THE FRONT PAGE OF TOHORROW'S NEWSPAPERT WOULD I BE EHBARRASSED IF MY PROFESSIONAL POST NETWORK READ THIST SAM RICHTER FOUNDER, SOCIAL SELLING INSTITUTE AUTHOR. TAKE THE COLD DUT OF COLD CALLING 15 IDENTIFY WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP AWESOME T-SHIRTS Care. Give a damn about something. If you care about something I can feel t. When I care about that same thing, it's magic. Converscly, if you don't care, I can tell, and you're bland to me you're not worth subscribing You want to stand for something that potential customers can identify with - your ideal customers. If you get that right, you're going to crjoy most people you work with. MARS DORIAN FOUNDER & ILLUSTRATOR. MARSDORIAN.COM CHASE REEVES cO-FOUNDER. FIZZLE.CO I love the ouote by Simon Sinek that "pecple don't buy what you do, they Duy WHY you do k. you are passionate and truy gut your wiy. this will be so much easier te translate to your brand. your message and the mage thet you project Know Your Velue - Don't just talk to talk. Understand the value you bring to the table and why people are/and should be felkowing you Make sure you're always serving your oudience. GREG NONT ICAN CAST AUTHOR THE SMS KIM GARST CEO 8 CO-FOUNDER. BOOHI SOCIAL MARKETING HANDBOOK 16 ARTICULATE YOUR BRAND CLEARLY LITERALLY THE COOLEST T-SHIRTS IN THE WORLD. Define and dasion your brand Get a great logo done that's reprejentative of yOur focus (toesn't have to be expensive, but coes have to lock sharp) You've got to know what you stand for and be able to articulate your value - the benelit that you bring to a professional situstion - in a clear, crisp, pompelling sentence. Arter all, if youI can't define what's special about yourself, how can you expect others to figure i out? JESSE KRIEGER AUTHOR, LIFESTYLE ENTREPRENEUR CREATOR, BUSINESS IN A WEEKEND CATHERINE KAPUTA AUTHOR, YOU ARE A BRANO FOUNDER, SELFBRAND.COM Brands that resonate with us do so because they are able to communicate their brend effectively Many businesses have very good products or services yet don't penence the type of success they ore trying to achieve because they do not know how to eftectively commun cate their brand message to people. It doesn't matter how much value you offer, how innovativa your product is or how amazing you are at what you do, if you cannot communicata it to your audience. MAR ZENHOM FOUNDER, BUSINESS REPUBLIC 17 PICK ONE THING . AND FOCUS ON IT COOLEST T-SHIRT IN THE WORLD Don't do 7 ditferent things. Figure out what your differential is in the market and play up that. Nowadays it's very common to see very "floaty specialties people are branding thermselves with These aren't going to gst you many peying clients. You need to weave your story inte a very specific call to action that solves a very specific pzin. Start with the pain you're going to cure, then craft your brand around that in the most artistic way you know how JAIME TARDY FOUNDER S HOST, EVENTUAL MILLIONAIRE AUTHOR. THE EVENTUAL HILLIONAIRE Commit to a Goal. Determine whet you want cut of ife and map a course to go after it. Run your ite, don't let your ife run you JЛм JOSEPH AUTHOR, THE EXPERIENCE EFFECT SERIES NATE BUNGER FOUNDER, DREAM LIFE ACADEHY PROPESSOR, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY GROW YOUR BRAND, ESTABLISH PUBLIC FACING ELEMENTS 18 CREATE HELPFUL CONTENT TO SHAPE OTHERS' OPINIONS OF YOU How to feel comfortable wherever Start a blog. Sharing your opinions, krowledge end perspective through a blog is the easiest way lo show pecple who you really are. Crhate and publith the contoos contert you can in a veriely of metio inclucing text. video and images. Bulid online creiblity by publishing a book You can now saif publish on Amazon, Apple and on vour own blog end ge paid for t JEET BANERJEE COFFOUNDER, TAT FUSECOM JEFF BULLAS SOCIAL HEDIA MARKETING BLOSGER FOUNDER JEFERULLAS CON Ry prodi.cing high-quality content thật your terget audience firds valuoble, you will attract prospects to you versus trying to track them down and sell to tham the old-fashioned way hy homharding them with ad ofter ed begging themI to buy. Always try to cNCoed expectations. and give audiences this "WOw experience. That will help you get noticed and build your tribe (Emai list!) in a very honest and authentic way around your vison OMAR ZENHOM FOUNDER, BUSINESS REPUBLIC NAVID MOAZZEZ FOUNDER, NAVIDHOAZZEZ.COM 19 CREATE A STRONG ONLINE IDENTITY A weak online identity is like a weak egutarion The place to hegin is Linkodin, the oumber ope caroer site Even if you don't use YourName com to host vour Take the time to write a compelling headline serntience and cereer summary. both of which appear "above the fold" when people look you up on Linkedin. it's important to have a flattering ohoto that is aporopriate for your career arena. Dlog or main wobsite, mako Sure you use it as a home Dese for eerything that you do Think about everything you'd want someone to know about you within the first tive minutes of Googing you ano put that on Your CATHERINE KAPUTA CALER WOJCIK co-FOUNDER, FIZZLE.CO AUTHOR, YOU ARE A BRAND FOUNDER, SELFBRAND.COM OPEN FOR BUSINESS! CONNECT WITH CUSTOMERS & STAKEHOLDERS 20 BE HUMAN, BUILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WHERE DID YOU GET THAT T-SHIRT FROH THANK YOU I GOT IT LOOKS PRETTY GOODI FROM. Stop trying to do social media and just be social. Treat social media platforms and new connections just as vou would in real lfe Be in good company nobody Rver gets anmowhere alone Alioning yourself with other indivicuels that stand for things v s you belime in and JEET BANERJEE andary you opcsure aind elevane co-FOUNDER, STATFUSE COM AUTHOR, LIMITLESS THINNING GREG HICKMAN HOST, MOGLE MED PODCAST AUTHOR. THE SMS HARKETING HANDBODpK Pay special attention to building a strong strategic network of mentors and sponsors, senior people who acvise and advocate for you. An important component of vour strategic network are people who are at vour level (more or less) who You should work to integrate your personality into your expression of who you are online so that poopic l he get a faaling for what you woulc like in "real life." They wil be more drawn and connected to you if you mutually support each other. share tips, contacts and suppert. are more human. CATHERINE KAPUTA AUTHOR, VOU ARE A BRAND JOHN CORCORAN FOUNDER, SMART BISINESS REVOLUTION FOUNDER, SELFORAND.COM 21 GIVE AUDIENCES A REASON TO STICK AROUND ANYONE KNOWS WHERE I CAN GET A PAIR OF NICE BOOTS AT THIS HOUR? I KNOW A PLACE! HOW ABOUT THIS? THÀNKS FOR THE RECOMMENDATION!:) Being present is so important because f you're not engaging with your audience, then theyll have no reason to stick around. Continue Look for opportunities to make people feel that you care and that you are approachabla and available to connect Thank your most loyal followers as often as possible publicly and privately. Look for opportunities to be unscripted and authentic. buldng upon those reletionshios and youll tind that your loyal tollowers will soon become your raving fans. KRIS JONES JOHN LEE DUMAS & KATE ERICKSON FOUNDER A CONTENT CREATOR. ENTREPRENEURONFIRE FOUNDER, KBJ CAPITAL CHAIRMAN, INTERNET MARKETING NINJAS Make heloing and collaborating with others part of your personal brand. You don't want to be known as the person who asks for favors, but then takes a month to respond to amy requests for help that they receive. ODALI FOUNDER A CEO, PROMETHEAN BRAND LIS SALAZAR MULLINS 22 GO EVERYWHERE, RESPOND TO EVERYONE BLOG COMMENTS SOCIAL MEDIA FORUMS ve always made sure that i respond to all of my personal emails and always get back to all interview requests. Anyone that takes the time to get in touch with me deserves my attention, and that's why my brand has become what it is today. ZAC JOHNSON FOUNDER, ZACJOHNSON COM 23 HELP PROMINENT PEOPLE, GET THEIR ENDORSEMENTS GAGA: I NEEDA GREAT T-SHIRT 9 FOR HY EVENT TONIGHT. TESTIMONIALS HEY I'H SENDING OVER A PIECE! IT'S ON ITS WAY, a PANTASTIC T-SHIRT GAGA: OH woW THANK YOU. THIS IS A FANTASTIC T-SHIRT! How do you get testimonials from influencers The secret comes down to consistently adding value to thosa you raspect and admire. When you find great ways to make a buiy, influential person's life easier. they'l naturally therk you With their permission that "thank you" can become a testimonial on your website SELENA S00 FOUNDER, S2 GROUPE 24 25 SHOW GRATITUDE ADD VALUE, BUT DONT EXPECT IMMEDIATE RETURNS THANK YOU! $5 DISCOUNT FOR COFFEE CUSTONERS PASSION Find the convergence point where your passion and your customer's noods overlap You can't imagine the worders that a small gift like a $5 Starbucks gift card can do for you and your brand. HARLEE WARD FOUNDER, RADICAL MARS DORIAN FOUNDER A ILLUSTRATOR. HARSOORIAN COM ENTREPRENEUR AT THE END OF THE DAY: REFLECT, REGROUP, PLAN FOR THE FUTURE 26 OVER-DELIVER. EXCEED EXPECTATIONS. NEXT PROJECT: FIREPROOF SMART T-SHIRT THAT CHANGES COLOUR VIA SMARTPHONE Pan on being et the top. What would a top 10 do? Think as if you are already a massiva branc Imagine the guy at the top of your niche visited your blog. What would Vou changa to keen that person reacing your content? This waill help plevate vour game JAIME TARDY FOUNDER A HOST, EVENTUAL MILLIONAIRE AUTHOR, THE EVENTUAL MILLIONAIRE MIKE KIM CMO, MEK REVIEW I love to quote Steve Martir: "Ec as good they can't ignore you". That's my number one rule for suCces. Exceed expectations When you c this vou stand out from the crowe and push thenuah mad modiocat ANNA RYDNE WRITER, STEAMFEED.COM SCOMMUNICATE (VOUR) SKILLS ADAM SMITH FOUNDER S WRITER, ASMITHBLOS.COM 27 GET ADVICE FROM PEOPLE CAN I GET SURE! SONE ADVICE НАPPY FROM YOU? TO HELP. RYAN RARENZIEN CEO. GREAT: Invest an advica. It's hard to out of your own box. Ask people that have done it before what you shoud do JAIME TARDY FOUNDER E HOST, EVENTUAL MILLIONAIRE AUTHOR, THE EVENTUAL NILIONAIHE 28 DARE TO FAIL, LEARN & MOVE ON AUTOMATIC RESIZABLE T-SHIRT TESTS FAILED FAILED SUCCESS ATTEHPT HI73 АтTенPт 4 ATTEMPT HI7s My motto The roed to success is trying. It meers that you should dare to fail and keep an agla mndset along the way. Never stop leurning. Defore you can pour into others. you have to fill yourself up. To giva back, you noed ta hava somathing to give. Consuma more information and give beck more ANNA RYDANE WRITER STEAMEEED COM A COMNUNICATE LYOURI SKILLE ADAM SMITH FOUNDER & WRITER, ASMITHBLOG.COM 29 DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT MAKE A LIST OF THINGS A PERFECT SEPARATE IT INTO TWO LISTS: HAS/DOT ENTREPRENEUR (BE BRUTALLY HONEST AND DETAILED ORIENTED) PURSUE THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TRASH THIS COR PURSUE IT WHILE KNOWING EGO PERFECTION MINDFUCK Become Aware of Your Perfection Mindfuck. Evervone has it. Bacoming awara of it is the first step to getting over it. Don't ein for pertection when it comes to website design and let the brancing avalve aver time (it took some time for mel) ANAIS BOCK AULLSHIT ELUMINATION HEETANAIS.COM NAVID MOAZZEZ FOUNDER, NAVIDMOAZZEZ.COM Alow your brend to evolve neturelly over time. Focus on providing velue to your audience and getting more clear on your message and brand, and from there you'l know what you need to include or romove fram vour sito. NATHALIE LUSSIER DIGITAL STRATEGIST S HOST. OFF THE CHARTS SHOW 30 ASK YOURSELF AGAIN: WHY? HOW? WHY? FOR WHOM? WHAT IS THE DESIRE TO ADD? ToVALUE a have embarkec on the entrepreneurial journey it means you have put in a bunch of work to figure out what defines you who you really want to work with, what your true vo ce sounds like. You've created, texted and talked You probably have an entire Evernote datebase and 7 notebooks tull of usetul text snippets and stories. From time to time it is good to just take a blank piece of paper and ask yourself the big questions again ANAIS BOCK BULLSHIT ELIMINATION, MEETANAIS.COM We love seeing ecommerce brands flourish. Drop by to see how we can help yours do the same! S ReferralCandy свAгTED Sourco http // -----

30 Tips To Build Your Personal Brand From 37 Experts

shared by ReferralCandy on Jul 03
Having a strong personal brand is a tremendous asset to every entrepreneur. While brands and businesses might be built around ideas, like it or not, they’re still ultimately represented by people. A...






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